23. cry boy

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Chapter 23 — cry boy

"Elliot?" Josh calls out unsurely as he approaches the said boy.

He is sitting hunched down, hoodie pulled up, covering his head, so Josh isn't entirely sure if it is actually Elliot — but then again, no one really ever came to this place, so it was really unlikely that it is someone other than him.

"Hey," the boy replies, and yeah, it is Elliot, although his voice sounds a little different than it usually would.

"Hey," Josh echoes, going to sit beside Elliot, bumping his shoulder playfully as he does so.

Usually, Elliot would have returned the bump, with this mirthful grin on his face and the both of them would have sat, their shoulders touching but not today. Elliot doesn't return the bump nor does he look at Josh.

"Sorry, I'm late," Josh says when it doesn't seem like the other boy is going to say anything, "My sister decided to stay up a little longer than she usually would and I didn't want to be caught sneaking out. Again,"

Josh waits for a teasing at that — he likes to particularly tease Josh about how he actually fears his younger sister although the blond has never ever said that. It's not true; it's just she can be really annoying and Josh doesn't want her to start asking more questions — he barely got away the last time.

However, Elliot only shrugs at him, "Yeah, it's okay,"

Yeah, something is definitely not right, the blond deduces. Frowning, he bends forward a little to try and sneak a look at his face but Elliot must have spotted him since he turns the other way, sniffing a little. The furrow between Josh's eyebrows deepens.

Elliot's voice does sound a little bit funny, and he is sniffling. Either he's got the flu or he is... crying?

And just as Josh thinks that, Elliot lets out a heavy sigh, wrapping his arms around himself, "Honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised if you didn't show up tonight — after all I too did just that, didn't I?" another sniffle.

It's certainly not the flu, Josh can say for sure. But that doesn't make him feel better; because if it's not the flu, then it means that he is crying. And it distresses Josh so much to learn that. Why is he crying? He can never equate the brunet with something upsetting. Josh has to change that. He doesn't want Elliot to be sad.

"Hey," Josh's voice is a mere murmur but he knows the other boy can hear him, "You okay?"

Elliot gives him a small nod, but it's very much obvious from the way he won't look up and how tensed he looks, that he is not okay.

"Will you look at me, Elliot?" the blond requests softly, "Please,"

However, he only shakes his head in return. He does uncross his arms and place his hands on his laps though, "I'm fine,"

"Okay," Josh patiently acknowledges him, "But will you still look at me?"

It takes a moment, but the brunet does respond to that, albeit a little hesitantly. He sits up a little, and pushes the hood off his head, and then slowly turns but he doesn't look at the blond right away. He looks all around him as if he is just taking in their surrounding and then finally settles his gaze on the boy before him. There is a smile on his lips, but even a stranger can tell that it's very much forced.

His eyes are red-rimmed, and his pupils are sunken in. There are tear stains along his cheeks and by the way he keeps blinking while looking at Josh, it's obvious he's trying to keep himself from crying anymore.

Josh looks at him, wishing he could do something to take all that sadness away from him, but honestly, what can he do? He doesn't even know what he's supposed to say.

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