thirty two

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Vera was dragged down all eight flights of stairs kicking, screaming, and crying for the loss of her friend.

The man struggled to move her along, yanking her forwards to keep her walking. Eventually, he picked the girl up and carried her, throwing one strong arm around her torso.

"Let me go!" She kicked the man over and over, but he seemed unbothered by it. "You killed her! You killed her!"

"Shut up, or you'll be next."

She was dragged to the courtyard where a tall, muscular man with black hair and tattoos was standing. Her eyes darted around to look for an escape route, but there was nowhere to go. She looked over at Orion who had a confused look on his face.

The masked man threw her to the ground at the tattooed man's feet and she sobbed, still mourning her friend, but also begging for forgiveness. "Sean, I'm so sorry...please have mercy."

Orion faced off with Sean and glanced down at Vera who looked a mess. His eyes widened when he realized what must've happened and he turned to the force behind him. "Find Lorena."

Max hesitated. "Orion, we can't just leave-"

"I said go!" He roared.

His best fighters took off, leaving him, Sean, Vera, the masked man, and Alpha Warden. Orion clenched his fists at his sides.

Vera turned to look at Orion and let out a broken sob. "I'm sorry, I tried to help her, but..." Sean grabbed her hair tightly, shutting her up.

Orion felt hot tears burn his eyes, but he didn't let them fall. He couldn't show weakness.

Alpha Warden smirked and stepped up to him. "Your mate is gone, Orion. I've taken your mate, and I'm taking your pack and your kingdom."

Orion grit his teeth together and glared at the man. "Like hell you are."

"Now, now..." Alpha Warden started to circle and Orion struggled to keep eyes on him at all times. "Is that any way to speak to your uncle?"

Orion narrowed his eyes, his voice breaking. "You're adopted. You're not my uncle."

"So everyone keeps reminding me!" The older man threw his hands up in the air. "So since I'm adopted, I get the short end of the stick? My older, better brother gets everything? I get absolutely nothing?"

"My father loved you. He wanted you by his side, but you're just a greedy son-of-a-bitch. You wanted everything that you had no title to."

The other alpha chuckled humorlessly, stopping in front of his nephew and crossing his arms. "I wouldn't expect you to understand. You're an only child. Now you're truly alone. Your father can't help you fight, your mate can't help you fight, and now," the man straightened his back and popped his neck, everyone around him hearing the shifting of the bones in his skull. "I'm going to get rid of you once and for all."

Alpha Warden shifted and lunged at Orion, who still couldn't see or think clearly since he got the news that his mate was gone. He stepped to the side, but the gray wolf had already sunk his claws into his shoulder, tearing through his skin.

Orion cried out and grabbed his arm, blood trickling down onto his hand. He growled and shifted into his wolf, his clothes shredding and falling around him. The gray wolf stared him down and lunged at him again, but when Orion went to counter attack, another wolf attacked Warden from the side.

It was Kenneth. Orion picked up the scent and huffed, giving Kenneth a small nod before turning back to Warden.

Warden growled and shook out his fur in irritation. Kenneth bared his teeth at him and Orion tackled him, grabbing him by his neck.

Warden struggled a bit before thrashing around and biting down hard on Orion's leg. Orion yelped and released his hold on the other alpha.

To his surprise, the large mysterious man didn't bother to help at all, and neither did Sean. Orion figured that this was supposed to be a one-on-one fight, so he motioned for Kenneth to stand by so he could fight his own battle.

His mind was still reeling and his wolf was still hurting from the news. Lorena couldn't be dead...

Warden jumped at him again, and Orion jumped up, biting the underside of his neck near his throat. This caused Warden to freeze, and Orion didn't plan on letting go.

Warden thrashed around, his blood dripping onto the grass below. He turned his head and managed to bite into Orion's side. Orion yelped loudly and let go, giving Warden the chance to get Orion to the ground and stand over him, his jaws about to close around his neck.

Orion couldn't fight back anymore. He was tired and naturally, his "uncle" was older and stronger than him, giving him the upper hand. He tried to roll out of the way, but Warden only pushed him right back down again.

Orion shut his eyes and whimpered, turning his head to the side. Warden was scary when he was this close. It was something from the nightmares.

Warden seemed to be enjoying himself and taking his time with this, and that's the only explanation Orion could give for the fact that he was still alive.

Right when Warden was about to clamp his jaws down on his throat, a large, heavy force came and rammed into Warden from the side, causing both him and Orion to go rolling into the ground.

Orion looked around to see what could have saved him, and when he stood to his feet, he saw another black wolf standing over Warden a few feet away.

Suddenly, the wolf collapsed and shifted back into its human form, as well as Warden. Orion ran over and placed a heavy paw on Warden's chest, preventing him from running off.

He shifted back and stood up, standing over the unconscious body as his now human eyes adjusted to the lack of light.


Whew. This chapter was all over the place and was cheesy as hell too lol...anyways see yall later :)

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