Chapter 53

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Get your lazy ass out of bed woman!” Cami screamed from the edge of my bed.

“No.” I groaned as I buried myself under the covers.

“This isn’t the time for drama May. We have things to do.”

“I don’t want to do anything.”


“Because Jason’s not here. He didn’t tell me he would be gone for so long.” I muttered.

“Well I’m sure he’ll be back soon.” Emma tried to reason with me.

“Till then I’ll just wait for him in the comfort of my bed.” I replied her not removing the covers from my head.

“Hazel?” I heard the familiar voice say and I jumped out of the covers in record speed hoping to see him but I didn’t.

I frowned deeply as I turned to look around just to notice Cami holding her phone towards me with Jason on video call.

“Oh, you’re not even here.” I muttered rolling my eyes before lying down again.

“Bella said you’re being difficult.” He continued.

“Yes and I won’t stop till you get back.”

“Babe we talked about this last night.”

“You promised you’d be back soon. Our wedding is in two days and you’ve be gone for a week!” I shouted raising my voice.

Cami and Emma seemed to get the hint as she gently dropped the phone beside me before they walked out.

“You know I’m trying to land this deal, once I do that I’ll be home.”

“And how soon will that be?” I asked as I picked up the phone to look at him.

“I’m not sure.” He muttered.

“This was all your idea Jason not mine so don’t even think about bailing on me! If you’re not home tonight then the wedding is over!” I snapped before hanging up.

I threw the phone gently on the bed in order not to break Cami’s phone.

A knock on the door caused me toook up at the both of them.

“Are you mad?” Cami asked gently and I shook my head before they came in.

“I just miss him. I mean this house is too big for me alone and it’s been a week already.” I said sadly.

“Are you really going to end the wedding?” Emma asked with an unsure look.

“I’m not crazy Emma,” I laughed lightly which caused her to let out a sigh if relief, “we’ve all put in too much effort in planning this and I won’t let it all go to waste. Plus I just said that to get him back home.” I said with a shrug.

“So does this mean we can go now?” Cami asked loudly from my bed.

“Sure. I’ll be ready in a bit.” I said and got up from the bed before heading to the shower.

I threw on a yellow top on a pair of blue jeans and white flats, grabbed my sunshades, purse and phone.

“Alright ladies. Let’s go!” I called as soon as I got outside.

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