Author's note

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Thank you for reading!
This is a very rough draft. If you've made it to the end, you have my sincerest gratitude. I know it was a very wild ride.

Ashes started as a short interactive fiction game I wrote in a game jam, a challenge to create a full game in three hours. I wanted to expand it because I felt there was more story to tell. There still is.

It's a bleaker story than I usually write, and maybe the darkest tale I've told.

I've always felt like rough drafts exist to tell yourself a story and see what it's really about. It takes time (and a lot of editing) to make them what they need to be.

I posted this as I wrote it, so every chapter is raw and a lot was a surprise even to me. It's been an interesting experiment, and one I don't know that I'll be repeating. You tell me. I love the immediacy of sharing the drafting process with all of you, but I also hate leaving you all with something that might be an unpolished disappointment.

Either way, it's been a pleasure. Your votes and comments mean more than you know.

I love you all. The world is a dark place sometimes, so be good to each other.

Until next time,
- T

Ashes, AshesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora