Play Date

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    2 months later...

I stood in the hallway of my house with my hand under my stomach. I was 8 months today. It was crazy how fast time was flying. I couldn't believe that we were about to add another little munchkin to the family. Seth came through the door carrying a white changing table. 

"Here, let me help." I grabbed one end.

"Absolutely not!"

"Sethhh." I whined. 

He set the piece of furniture down.

"Listen Vi. I know you want to help, I really do and I wish I could let you help, but you can't be lifting heavy things. I know you know that. We need to keep this baby safe, I've already lost two, I can't lose another one." He kissed the temple of my forehead. 

"I know." I whispered. 

"Hey," he said picking the table back up, "Once I get this in there you can put some clothes away in it, okay?" 

"Okay." I nodded. 

For the next few hours Seth brought various pieces of furniture in and I did the light work. At around 5pm the nursery was done. It was a safari them in neutral colors. It was gorgeous in every way. I didn't have much money when Harper was born so, it was pretty amazing to see this well put together nursery in front of me. A safe place for my baby. A safe place for our baby.

Seth and I had decided to not find out the gender. We wanted it to be a surprise. We were both hoping for a boy, but I have a gut feeling it's a girl. The only thing that truly mattered was that the baby was happy and healthy. 

There was a knock at the door. Seth went to go answer it and I waddled behind. My mom and Harper stood behind the door. My mom had taken Harper whilst we put together the nursery. 

"Can I see it?" My mother squealed. She had always been into interior design. 

"Of course." I giggled. Seth picked up Harper and placed a kiss on her cheek. I led my mom to the nursery. 

"Aw it's beautiful honey." She wrapped her arms around my shoulders. 

"I love you mom." 

"I love you too. It really is all falling into place, huh?"

"Yes," I smiled, "It is." 

After my mom left, Seth gave Harper a bath and then we put her to bed. 

Seth came and sat next to me on the couch and wrapped his arms around me. He nuzzled his face into my neck. The baby started to kick me. Of course they have to be active when I'm just about to go to bed. I grabbed Seth's hand and placed it on my stomach. He loved feeling the baby kick. 

"I can't believe it!" He squealed. 

"What?" I laughed.

"That we are about to have a baby." 

"I know. It's pretty crazy!" 

He smiled, "He or she is going to be beautiful."

I nodded in agreement. 

The next day...

Leo sat on the floor playing with blocks with Harper. We had invited over Juliette, Liam, and Leo over for a play date. Seth and Liam were out in the backyard flying Liam's new drone. 

"So, he came here, asked you on a date, slept with you, all whilst he had a girl and baby back in New York." Juliette said.


She rolled her eyes. 

"What a dud."

"I know." 

The kids began to argue over who got to put the top block on. We resolved it and continued talking. 

"Are you excited for baby?" She asked me.

"SO excited, but also nervous. I don't know how I'm going to do two kids."

"Ya, me either." She said and then immediately put her hands over her mouth, "Oh shit. I wasn't supposed to say that."

"You're pregnant!!!" I said excitedly.

"Shhh...Yes, but I haven't even told Liam yet. I found out two days ago."

"Oh my goodness, Juliette! I'm so happy for you! We can have little baby friends."

She smiled, "Yes, but please don't tell anyone just yet."

"I won't. Promise." 

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