Chapter 1

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He wipes his mouth blood dripping down his cheeks, and the taste of human flesh on his tongue. As he sits in a pool of blood he looks down at his hands. What have I done, is all that came to his mind. Standing with a zombie like expression on his face he walks towards the same mirror he once had before. There was nothing looking back.
Panicking he runs from room to room seeing nothing but red. He runs from the house to the yard screaming at the sky.
"No!" Breathing heavily and covered in sweat, Kylar looks down at his hands and around him. No blood. He looks at the clock, 6 am. He throws the blankets over his cold body and walks to the mirror. This time his lifeless reflection is staring back.
"It was just a dream," he says to himself. "A terrible dream." He turns on the water and throws some on his face. Wiping his face with a dry cloth he looks back at the mirror.
Seeing a flash of his reflection morphing into a monster with an evil growl.
He squeezes his eyes shut and looks down. He stands upright and exits the bathroom.
"I should get going or I'll be late."
Putting on his binder to make sure is chest is flat he searches his closet. No color, just black and gray. Grabbing a plain gray V-neck he throws on black skinny jeans, black converses, and walks out the door.

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