Chapter One: The Contact

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You, Didier Lee, a fairly average male with a deep down secret: you are a macrophile. You have always wanted to visit To'kust ever since images of the native giant population on the planet as seen by the first settlers were broadcasted on television. Your macrophilia, a fantasy that has revolved around fictional giant beings since real life giants don't really exist, has always made you crave that real life giant exists. Now that your dream has become reality, you can't stop thinking about the spectacle of these impossibly gargantuan beings walking so effortlessly despite weighing nearly hundreds of thousands of tons. You imagine it must be a sight to behold, unlike any.

To allow you to focus on your work, your company has booked a 30 day match with a To'kustar that will ferry you around your temporary residence to all the business locations where you may hold meetings with the local To'kustar run company. The business plan is to form a joint venture, as this lowers the risk of failure when attempting to be the first entrant into this brand new market.

You say farewell to your family, arrived at the interplanetary spaceport and begin your trip that you've eagerly looked forward to all these past few weeks.

2 weeks later

Upon landing on To'kust, you quickly grab your belongings and left the spacecraft. Staying in the small fuselage of the vessel with limited room for movement has really taken a toll in your body. You feel the stiffness in every single muscle while exiting the spaceport. Looking around, you see a pretty average and modern looking city that could be mistaken as one on Earth, if not for these 100 feet tall concrete wall that surround all the buildings. You know from the travel guides you've read online that the wall surrounding the city is not there to prevent To'kustars from entering. They are simply there to mark the border of the human district, and to be large enough so that To'kustars could clearly see them, sort of like a fence. Being gentle creatures, there has not been any To'kustars traspessing into the human area since the founding of the district.

At one end of the district, you could see a much larger structure, about 4 times taller than the surrounding walls, that you know is the transport platform that you have come across many times in your prior research. You could already see some To'kustars walking near the structure from your current position right outside the spaceport. Although you know this a business trip, deep down you know your desire to see these giant aliens in person is what you are really here for. The sight of these colossal humanoid alone was enough to amaze you. The 100 feet wall barely reaching the knees of those living and breathing beings that are effortlessly moving their massive frame outside. Even from far away, you could hear the faint and distant rumble of their foot steps as each move around to pick up their customers from the Human Pickup Terminal. These aliens looks mostly white, with some red and black accents here and there on their body, but more importantly none of them are wearing any cloths. You've heard that clothing was never invented as these garments were simply never seen as a necessity. You noticed these aliens all have exceptionally thin waists compared to their broad shoulder and chest, making them look impossibly muscular if compared to the anatomy of a human, though this seems to be just a normal physique for them.

Knowing that the travel agent working with your company has already booked a contract with a To'kustar ahead of time, you promptly started heading towards the check-in facility of the company that has matched you with a To'kustar for the duration of your business trip. Located in the first floor of the Terminal, the distant rumble start to become louder and more regular thuds as you approach the structure. There doesn't seem to be any tremor from all the movement on the other side of the terminal, however. You wonder how much effort the engineers must have put in to make sure the foundation around the district does not tremble with all the millions of pounds of weight that bear down on it constantly.

As you enter the facility, you are greeted by front desk lady who confirms your reservation.
"So you must be Mr. Lee. We were expecting you," she said in a welcoming tone as she pulls up your reservation, "Your servant for your 30-day contract will be Kai'shu, who will be on standby with you 24/7. He will also be ferrying you around to any location at your request. You can take the elevator to your right and head to Bay #3 when you reach the top. He will be with you shortly. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"That's it for now, thanks!" You answered, eagerly wanting to meet the To'kustar that you will be staying with. You head for elevator the lady pointed at while she wishes you a good trip. You click on the elevator button that will take you to the platform, all the while pondering how you will be greeting Kai'shu once you see him. Will he be able to hear you with his head far above you? Should you pop a joke to lighten up the tone before you step into his hand? You were preparing a conversation to hold as an icebreaker when the elevator chime snaps you out of your contemplation. The doors open, revealing a huge outdoor platform. You look to the right and left to see that it is about 400 yards wide. About a mile away from the platform, you see several larger than life To'kustars, quite literally, standing there seemingly waiting for their patrons. You follow the overhead sign that points to Bay #3 towards the meet up point.

After a brisk walk, you arrive at the terrace that is Bay #3. Straight ahead of the platform, you see a To'kustar start heading toward you. This is it. This is the moment you have been waiting for all these years. As he moves closer, his large body starts to fill up your entire vision. It didn't take him long to close the gap between you and where he was waiting with his great strides. He stops once he is about arms reach of you. His arm, of course. The platform is about chest height of the To'kustar. You raise your head to look at his face right as his loud and deep voice booms from above you, "Is this Mr. Lee?" The loud voice startled you a bit as you take a step back. All these years of reading about these aliens online still did not prepare you for the breathtaking spectacle you are experiencing right now. It took you a few seconds to regain your composure as you reply "Y-yes, and you must be Kai'shu."

"Correct. Sorry to scare you." He says after seeing you were visibly stunned by his voice. He continues in a professional tone, "I will be your servant for the next 30 days. During the period your housing and food will be taken care of by me, as well as any transportation needs to locations outside of the human district."

You stare blankingly at the enormous face above you as he speaks. His gaping mouth the size of an SUV opens and closes while the booming voice rocks you to your core. He continues to explain what is included in the contract, but his enormity alone grabs hold of your attention, and his words simply fell into deaf ears. After a minute you notice that he reached out his right hand and places his palm in this cavity about the size of a hotel room built into the platform to the left of you. That's when you finally snap out of your blank stare as he says, "Shall we head to the residence?"

It again took you a second to respond, "S-sure," as you turn and start heading toward his massive hand that perfectly fit into the builtin cavity. You were dumbfounded by his sheer size that you didn't process much of what he just said. You also grudge yourself for forgetting to hold the conversation that you formulated while inside the elevator ride.

The To'kustar's hand was a ghostly white, with only 4 fingers stretching out from the appendage. Each fingers' length was several times your height, and as wide as a highway pillar. By ratio they seem longer than a human's finger to palm size. The cavity built into the platform allowed his hand to be flush with the surface you were stand on. This allow you to walk straight onto the awaiting palm. The surface of the palm sinks in a bit on each step as you trek across to the middle of it. You sit in the center of the palm facing him. You can feel the warmth emanating from it when you touch the leathery surface. It feels very comfortable to sit on, reminding you the softness of your bed at home.

You look up to him as he asks if you are ready. You nod in response. Your whole landscape then starts to shift whilst he raises you up and move you closer to his chest. He skillfully performs the movement and you did not feel any sudden change in gravity. You imagine this must be effortless to him as you probably only weigh as much as a toothpick. His hand slightly curls around you for your safety, his pillar-like fingers rising up into view as he does so. He slowly turns around and start heading towards the residence where you will be staying for the next one month.

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