Chapter 19 - Ladies Night

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Aria's POV

I hardly slept last night. My mind raced all night with all kinds of emotions and feelings. From replaying his touch over and over to scolding myself for allowing it. Could I really do this? Could I really get involved with Dom again? I can't afford to fall and have nobody to catch me. I just couldn't do it. 

It was early morning and the sun just began rising. The air was cool but refreshing. Summer was approaching us and it couldn't get here quick enough. I enjoyed the summer. 

I decided to get a cup of coffee. It was really early and I am sure I wouldn't run into anybody apart from some staff. I don't think I could deal with run-ins right now. I just don't have the emotional energy for it. 

As I approached the kitchen I heard Ruby's voice. What I heard her say made me stop. 

"What!" she exclaimed. "I missed that!? Come on man! That's not fair! I have never seen Dom lose his composure like that. It sounds like an entertaining encounter. Next time, I'll escort princess over here and you can have an imaginary date." She said exasperated. 

I turned to stand at the entrance to see who she was referring to. Dani and Marcel stood in front of her. All their faces portrayed a sense of nervousness when they noticed me.

"Hey, girl..." Ruby sang at me hesitantly. 

"What did you mean now?" I asked her narrowing my eyes to her. 

"Nothing." She said quickly turning away from me, bringing her cup up to her lips. All three of them were avoiding my line of sight. Then it hit me and I gasped.  Before I could say anything they all scurried away in different directions. Cowards. 

Just then Dom waltzed into the kitchen and stood beside me. Great, so much for no run-ins. I huffed as Dom looked at me.

"What's happening? Why did they all scatter like dogs with tails between their legs?" He questioned nonchalantly. 

"Did you know they all set us up with the babysitting?" I countered him with an irritated expression.

"What do you mean by all? I thought this was Dani's doing." 

"Wait, you knew?" 

"No, I didn't know anything. I figured it out when you got there to babysit and mentioned my nonexistent meeting at the docks, but I thought it was Dani's doing alone." He was so calm and unfazed.

"And you couldn't be bothered to tell me?" I was growing more agitated. 

"When exactly was I supposed to tell you and would it have mattered anyway?" He turned to me. 

"Oh, I don't know Dom. Maybe when you were sticking your tongue down my throat." I was now fully annoyed. 

"Well, I didn't hear you complaining miss 'let me straddle him'. Complaining was definitely not the sound leaving your mouth." 

Well, fuck. That backfired in my face. When my temper has thinned I tend to not think things through. I could feel my cheeks heat up and knew I was probably beginning to resemble a tomato right about now. I stayed silent and looked straight ahead. Now whose the coward, Aria? Yup, no alcohol means no more courage. I wanted to crawl into a hole so I decided on the next best thing. I turned away and ran out of there to my room. 

Dom chuckled as he grabbed an apple and took a bite.

"What did you do now?" He heard Dani ask as she walked back into the kitchen. 

"What did I do?" He asked surprised among his crunching.

"Dom, you are such a fool sometimes," Dani stated irritated with him. "It's like you take 5 steps backward for every 1 step forward." She now had her arms crossed leaning more to one side.

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