Chapter 12 - Part III

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NEV RAN TOWARD ZACH LIKE an Olympian, her arms and legs pumped with fine precision, her body moving only to propel her forward.

When she got close she slowed, breathing puffs of white fog. She made her mouth into an O and puffed a few at him.

"Morning. Cold and frosty," Zach said.

"Who you calling cold and frosty? It's pretty," Nev said. "I couldn't sleep anymore. Seems all I've done the last few weeks. When I dream, everyone is still alive. I get worried about stupid shit like track and school and work, but..." she faded off.

"But you always have to wake up." Zach finished for her.

"Yeah." Nevaeh glanced back at the house.

Zach stared out over the lake. The wind had picked up; the fog slid across the water, leaving behind pretty white caps. "What are we gonna do for Lizzie?"

"Wait." Nevaeh sighed. "She's gotta work through it."

He knelt to pick up some rocks to toss in the lake. "Saj is probably a good thing to distract her." Thinking about the little rug-rat warmed his heart. "Spike? I'm not so sure. He makes me nervous." He threw the stones, skipping them despite the choppy surface.

"Yeah. I love the way she looks at Saj. I remember times she'd look that way at Jayce when he was little." Her body shook with cold. "Gotta keep moving."

Zach watched Nev as she began to jog, but slower. His eyes followed the curve of her body where it slipped underneath her clothing.

"You watching my butt, Zach Riley?" She laughed. "The world might end, but some things never change."

Zach blushed. Then with a sudden burst of courage he blurted, "Yup. You mind?"

"Not as much as I used too." She turned and faced him. Hands on her hips. "Race you to the next dock?"

"You're on. I'll give you this much head start," he said, indicating the space between them.

"I don't need it. On your mark, set? Go!" Nevaeh sprinted.

Zach exploded from his kneeling stance, his arms flying in rhythm. He gained on her, but only barely. Another hundred yards. He focused on the trail under his feet and poured on all he had. He watched her butt now as a competitor.

He closed the distance as she slapped the piling. He slowed, still several strides away, running at her in full tackle mode. She sidestepped like he knew she would, but clothes-lined him as he passed. He managed to grab her arm and drag her down with him, rolling into the heavy grass.

They laughed. Icy dampness from the long grass seeped into his clothes. It was like old times, for a moment all their troubles were gone. He took the chance, and leaned in for a kiss.

Her lips curved upward but she turned her mouth away and attacked his ribs, tickling him ruthlessly. He laughed uncontrollably until he finally turned the tables on her. He had her wrists pinned tight while he tickled her.

She contracted in hysterical laughter.

"Please. Zach. Stop!"

He continued to tickle.

"I give." She twisted her hands and slid from his grasp.

"Hey, how'd you do that with your hands?" he asked, fending off her return attack.

"Wrists actually. All in the wrist. People call it double-jointed. It's not really, just stretchy tendons, I think. Check this out." She stopped trying to tickle him and pushed her fingers all the way back until they pointed toward her elbow.

"Jesus, doesn't that hurt?"

"No." She stabbed his ribs with her finger. A girl needs to be able to defend herself." Her grin turned serious.

"Yeah." What kind of a world were they living in?

She gave him a goofy grin. "All this tickling has worked up my appetite. I'll make breakfast." She rolled toward him, hugged him quickly and jumped up. "Race you back."

She ran off; he didn't join the race, but jogged after her. That was Nev, always trying to stay positive. But he knew she was worried. He was worried, too. He knew one thing that would help him feel better. Safety.

No one besides Nev was awake inside. Zach searched inside the house and garage. Even with all the scavenging they had done, there was one thing they still needed. Guns. More than Lizzie's shotgun. With people like C.J. and his brother out there, they needed to protect themselves.

He found nothing but a classic wooden bow and some wooden arrows. They were pretty, but not what he needed. He slipped into the master bedroom and checked the closet. If there was a gun in the house, it was too well hidden. He returned to the kitchen and sat down.

"Breakfast is ready." Nev put a big bowl of oatmeal in front of him. "Any luck?"

"No." He put brown sugar, cinnamon and raisins in the mush.

Nev smiled at him, eating hers plain. "What're you looking for?"


"Oh." Nev ate.

"You want to go out with me?"

"Oh, Zach, I thought you'd never ask," Nev said in a syrupy southern accent.

Zach grinned. "For guns."

"Yeah, I suppose."

When Lizzie got up they explained the plan to her. She seemed relieved to stay at the quiet calm of the lake place with Saj and Spike.

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