Chapter 18 (picture of Claire)

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Sorry for the wait amazings!

picture on the side is claire --->

don't forget to vote xo


‘Eat Claire,’ Mack insists shoving food in front of me as I sat in a chair, elbows on the dinner table as my hands hooked behind my neck, head down.

I shook my head for the third time, the smell of the rice and chicken hitting me harshly and causing me to feel nauseous as I hadn’t eaten in almost three days straight now.

‘Claire,’ he says warningly scraping the chair behind me as he sat down.

‘I’m not hungry,’ I lie feebly only to feel my chair getting moved and turned around, forcing me to sit properly and suddenly find myself face to face with Mack.

He stares at me intently and I start to squirm uncomfortably, ‘eat,’ he orders turning my chair fully so my chair and legs were in between his legs. He lifts up the plate in front of me but this time holds out a chicken on the fork only centimetres from my lips.

I frown and glare at him.

'B...' he says frowning as well as he put the plate down but still holding out the fork.

'I don't want it Mack,' I say in a whining voice now, pushing his arm away slightly so the food and inviting smell wasn't filling my senses and making me feel sick and definitely hungry.

He puts the fork down with a sigh and pulls my chair somewhat closer to his as he gave me a look over, ‘you need to eat Claire; I'm serious. It's not good for you if you keep skipping meals.’

I'm doing it so I get used to not eating when I get back to the place I call home... but you don't need to know that...

'I don't feel like it,' I say quietly dropping my gaze to my wringing fingers.

He puts his hand on top of mine to stop myself from pulling out my fingers as he hooks his other hand behind my neck. 'Claire, please. Eat. I can't stand watching you starve yourself again...' he says quietly.

'I'll live,' I say thinking about all the other shit I've been through (no pun intended).

I look up into his blue eyes staring intently into mine before dropping my gaze again slightly, this time to the necklace he wore. One he's been wearing since I can remember. One I gave him for Christmas almost 8 years back...

'Does it have something to do with your father?' he whispers.

I swallow and my eyes drop back down to my hands which still hand his over the top, his hold, I noticed, growing tighter as I kept trying to wring my fingers nervously.

'No,' I lied.

'Claire, you know even though we haven't been best friends for the past three years, I can still tell when you're lying...' he says a bit of lightness to his voice.

I sigh audibly before leaning forward to rest my head against the crook of his neck, tears blurring my eyes as I thought of him.

I don't want to go back. I don't want to live like that again. I don't want to die without a heart...without feeling...

'What did he say to you B?' Mack asks running a hand down my back gently as I kept my face hidden against him.

There was silence as I contemplated whether to tell him or not...

'Two weeks,' I whispered feebly, 'I'm going home soon,' I said quietly only to find myself being pushed backward so my back was against the chair, head up instead of against Mack's warmth, his eyes burning into mine.

Saved By YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora