Chapter 18 jax

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As I sit here and wait for aroura to walk back down the stairs and explain to us on what is going on as I am pissed she walked in blood everywhere and she sneaked out somehow passed the prospects. no one knew she was even gone until she walked in blood everywhere. cruise is calling our enforcer to deal with him he should of been monitoring her better then what he did. no saying she is a cant go anywhere but your girl walks in looking like a killer you kind of freak. we here walking down the stairs and we all sit and wait. I motion for her to sit and she dose.

"what's going on" cruise says

" boss sent someone to bring me back" she simply says

"Boss" I say back to her knowing rage is dead

"boss he runs the whole thing rage was his lacky the in between man. boss was the one to get me trained I was with him until I hit 18 then sent out to do his bidding, I was tracked and monitored" she says more information

" so lets get this straight you got taken as a child not by rage but someone else sold a few times then given to this guy called boss he gave you to rage when you disobey for your punishment but your still the bosses lacky" I say getting annoyed she isn't giving me anything to go on and I see her rage in her as I spoke.

" I am not anyone's lacky I am aroura. I was take as a child sold a fair few times or traded like a baseball card. I was traded to take a deal with the Italian mafia the boss he was had a reason for taking me I was really good at the training they supplied. I become his pet, most of the people there loved it. I didn't I was taken from my father and trained to help take their enemy's out. I refused at first until i struck a deal. I was ment to be set free after a certain amount of dealings I was young and stupid think he would allow it. I did his bidding I become what he wanted. until I tried to sneak away. until I realised what he had planned I walked out, rage was sent to bring me in, I would of killed him I would of been able to go free but I let my guard down when I was out he took me to the cabin and the rest you now, but now boss wants his pet back and the pet no longer has a tracker on her so he has to send minions. I just took one out that's been following me for over a week. someone who I thought was a friend. then I dumbed her in rages land with his trophies I destroyed what was there as I realised they could try and say its the mc dumping ground I know my boss and I know he will try take down the mc to get to me, you guys know its best for the mc for me to go fight my own battle." she says fast and calm at the same time like its been rehearsed a thousand times

"not happening princess" Cruise says angerly

"dad I love you I missed heaps, but I cant be the reason you guys go down in a marfia war" she says a little more sad

"we love you and want to protect you. you have seen enough death and pain" I say bringing her onto my chest. all I want todo is protect her.

" I know and love gets you killed " she says truthfully she is correct but I aint admitting that to her that's for sure not now I have her telling me the truth. I have been waiting for weeks for her to tell me the fucking truth

" sweet heart your ours and we protect what ours and this is a mc problem now, we will need your help but we aint putting you into danger we need you to be honest and let us help you" I say softer I see her thinking this over in her brain and I know her brain is a little more complex than others she is calculating the situation,

"okay" she says more hesitant but we all blow out a breath we didn't know we had been holding

she starts to tell us about how many mc's are in the bosses pocket and now we know what ones we can ask for help. we need more man power, she informs us were we can get more weapons and information. she said she still ahs some contacts who are like a resistance. she told us way more than what we thought making my head hurt to be honest she done a lot of things in her short life that I don't evan know how she sleeps at night. I know its not by choice. its getting late and everyone leaves so we head to bed. laying here with her in my arms and I want her to stay there for the rest of my life

"aroura" I say sleepy

"yeah jax" she says on a sigh

" I love you I know I haven't known you for long and you have been through a lot but I do I love u" I say worried I might scare her a way but instead I feel her body slightly shaking

"aroura im sorry" I say rubbing her arms she rolls over and I wipe her tears away with the pad of my thumb.

"I love you too jax I have done since you saved me since you held me in bed when I couldn't sleep" she says staring into my eyes

I learn down to her and start kissing her body and letting her body respond to my touch it was erotic and beautiful. I felt her nipples harden in her tank top, my hands find their way up into her tank top an I find what im searching for. fuck me she is gorgus. we are kissing playing and things get so heated I feel my heart jumping into my chest she is allowing me to touch and kiss and enjoy her body as I do et her do the same, ive dreamed of this but now its happening I feel like I don't deserve such beauty. when its time to let little jax out I worrie ill hurt her, she is so tinny compared to me but I know I can be gentle with. lucky for me she isn't the gentle one. she knows what I want and how I want it. we spend the whole night doing this over and over different ways. she will moan my name and tell me she loves me over and over and I crave every inch of her beauty. its not until the morning when things change by one simple phone call

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