Chapter 8

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Y/n's pov

Let's find a house kinda far from mine. I have till 12 at midnight to find a place though. I don't want to get caught that fast and I like the night better.

"What should I do for now?", man I'm bored and it's barely 6 right now. I guess I could clean up my place since a mother fucking idiot called Jeff destroyed the place! Man I hate cleaning. Guess I'll grab a broom.

*2 hours later*

Man finally finished! Even the furniture is fixed. Thanks to my good buddy called Gorilla glue. It's barely 8 though! Man, I kinda miss the elf and joker wannabe. I looked out my window, cause why not, and someone was standing there. They're pretty tall, they have a fedora wait, wait, WAIT! Is that the perverted octopus?! I guess he noticed me staring at him since he grinned and started walking towards my house. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, Nope! I'm out of here! I ran upstairs to my room and slammed the shut locking it. At the same time I heard my front door getting broken down. I got a backpack and put my mask, my knife, some money, and my phone. Don't forget the chips! I had my jacket on already so I just got my motorcycle keys.

"Y/n, I know you're here, come out, I just want to have some fun with you~", this dude is trying to rape me with his words! I heard someone grab my door handle. Nope! I went to my Gorilla glued window and just punched it. I step back a little, but bumped into something or someone. A shiver went down my spine when I felt large hands on my shoulders. "Hello Y/n, trying to run away from our fun~", I heard him whisper in my ear. I elbowed his stomach then turned around and kicked him. I heard him groan in pain.

"Yup!", I turned and ran through my window. I did a front flip mid air and landed on my feet. I ran towards my motorcycle and started it. Then put helmet on, safety first! I drove off my property and onto the road. Gotta be careful lots of gangs out this time. I drove more into the busy part of the community. Lots of people here right now. Just trying to clear my mind I guess. I'm kinda bored. I guess I'll find a house right now. I heard some people honking at others. Damn, why'd I come here again? The street so busy for it being night time. Guess I gotta do it the old fashioned way. I moved to the middle and started driving on the line. Much better. I heard people yelling at me, but what do I care. I drove faster just to get out of there. I passed a few red lights, but that's about it. Finally! A random neighborhood. Wait, I hear sirens. Then I saw a guy running out of a house. He had a blue mask with something coming out of the sockets of the mask. The police cars started blocking his way of getting out. The light from cars showed me that the guy had blood on himself. That's when he noticed me. To be honest I  can't stand police, so lets give this fellow killer a little help. I drove right next to him.

"Get in!", he hopped on the back and I started driving. I heard some police officers yelling to stop and all that stuff, but I just want some fun right now. I drove back to the busy area again, this time police chasing me. I saw more police cars on the other side of the road blocking us. I heard the guy behind mumble a few things.

"Hey buddy, I got a few tricks up my sleeve", I turned a sharp left into an alleyway. There was a random plank just leading to the top of the wall. How convenient, the world loves me right now. I drove straight towards the plank.


"To late buddy!", I heard him scream and held tightly onto me as we heard some police officers shooting at us from behind. Oh, I see why the plank was there. A drug deal. When we landed on the other side, I saw the dealer about to get his money. I drove faster and of course stole the money. I just started driving back to my neighborhood since it was kinda far. I saw a helicopter after us. Maybe I'll take different route.

"How the fuck we gonna get out of this?!",

"I'll drive us to the high way, the forest is there, when I tell you to run, you better mother fucking run",

"Ok", guess I won't be going home. I changed the direction I was going and started driving towards the high way.

??? pov

"GUYS!!!", I heard some people grumble.


"Isn't that EJ?", everyone looked at the TV.

"What the fuck that is him!",

"Who's that with him?",

"I don't know but it looks like they're trying to get him out of there",

"Why are they on the high way?", Damn I  can't see them anymore.

"Where the fuck did they go!?",

"They're right there!",

"It's only the driver",

"Where's EJ?!",

"I don't know, but where is the driver going?", I heard a few people say I don't know. This is pretty interesting.

"Wait guys, the road this person is on, isn't done yet, it goes straight towards the river",

"This person is crazy!", no way this person is doing that. They're not stopping! They look like they're going faster! And that's when it happened. They drove off the road, and straight into the water. Even the police look shocked.


"I know",

"I wanna try that!",

"Same!", then the door burst open. EJ's back.

"What the fuck happened out there!?",


Y/n's pov

I can't believe I'm actually gonna do this.

"Stop the vehicle!", I  just went faster. Man, I might regret this. And that's when it happened. I took a deep breath and held it.


I could hold my breath for 3 minutes and 12 seconds. Not the smartest idea I've had today, but it was fun!

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