Chapter 5 ✅

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"hyung! Hyung! Come play with us!" one of the boys said

They pulled Jimin to the field by his hands

I smiled at how cute the children were

"Eonnie! You too!" a girl pulled me and i ended up getting dragged by the girl.

I giggled.

"okay okay. Slow down" i told them

I went to take a place in the field and they started to kick the ball around.

They there were so many people laughing

The children were constantly falling but they were giggling and smiling.

They looked happy.

Especially Jimin.

He wore a huge smile. A genuine smile. Not like those constant smirks he gave me.

This one looked fully from the heart.

The children were constantly trying to get the ball from Jimin but they were unsuccessful

This time, they tried to play foul and some of them would cling onto Jimin

This caused him to lose the ball and was forced to drag his feet as it had kids hanging on them

I laughed at the sight and help them take the ball.

One of the younger ones fell down and started crying

His tears fell continuously from the child's face and they stopped playing for a while.

Jimin quickly jogged to the boy and bend down to see what happened

Since i was too far from him, right on the other side of the field with some of the kids and the ball, i couldn't get to the child fast enough.

I jogged to them and all the children gathered around the crying kid

I bend down next to Jimin. One of the other younger one clung onto me. She hugged me not letting me reach the crying boy

"don't cry Minjae. Your going to be okay. Its just a little fall" Jimin said as he rubbed of the tears of his face with his thumb.

Jimin lifted the boy back on his feet and brushed of the dirt.

I watched him handle the situation.

I feel touched.

And i feel a bit shocked at this side of Jimin with kids.

What else did i not know about you?

What else have i not seen?

I smiled from the inside. I was happy to see the sight of Jimin with children.

He never looked more capable with them

Like they're part of his life.

Part of his happiness..

After brushing of the dirt, Jimin gave a hug and the child's mini arms wrapped around his neck

They then got back to playing.

Jimin picked up the kids who hung on him and put them on his shoulder.

I got back up on my feet and joined them

They screamed and giggled and then all the children started attacking him.

One by one clung onto any part of his body and he was down.

On the soft grass, he laid with the children piling on him

I just watched them and laughed at the side lines.

"Children! Come inside! You have to wash up before dinner!" ordered Mrs.Shin

She went back inside and the children  rushed in as they heard that dinner will be served

Jimin got up from his spot and brushed himself

I helped him and we slowly made our way inside.

"why are you here?" he asked me

"your mother asked me to visit them since they've been asking a lot. I thought i would go since i didn't have much to do anyways." i answered him

"How about you? I didn't expect you to be here" i told him.

He shrugged

"i come here from time to time. Its a nice place to go to" he explained

"oh? Since when?" i asked

"uhm. High school" he answered "why didn't you tell me you were coming here?"

"do i need to?" i asked him

"well. I guess not" he mumbled loud enough for me to hear him

He sounded pissed

Did i say something wrong?

I just brushed it of and start another conversation

"what do you do here?" i asked him

"help around, play and all that" he told me shrugging

"oh. Okay. is this orphanage part of your charity work?" i asked him

"..No" he answered me

"oh? You must love the children?" i said

"of course. They deserve just as much happiness as everyone else in the world. They were just left to fend by themselves" he said.

Hearing the pang of anger in his voice, i felt guilty for asking such question

Maybe i judged him wrongly?

Maybe he does have a heart..

I grabbed Jimin's arm "i didn't mean it like that" i explained myself frowning at the misunderstanding.

We came to a halt just a few meters away from the entrance of the building

He looked into my eyes and i see him relax.

"i know" he told me. I breathed a sighed of relieve "its not a big thing to many people though. These kids. I just wished they can survive the world and be able to carry themselves well"

My heart skips a beat. I didn't know he thought about it this way. I didn't even know he was visiting this place often.

I looked at him, taken back by what he said. I didn't even notice myself staring at him

The sun shone above us with the trees briskly blowing the warm air to our faces.

I think...

Just maybe,

I'm falling for you Park Jimin.

Arranged to a f*ckboy (Jimin ff)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα