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We wait, no noise could be heard outside of our door.

I could feel my shift start, but it's early, I shouldn't be shifting till tomorrow, but I am.

Anita sees my pain, as I fight not to scream. I crawl away, out of the huddle of girls that are scared.

I feel my bones break and the hair grow on my body, as my shift speeds up, this pain is nothing I have ever felt before.

Soon I am standing as my wolf, she's in complete control as she stands, fur bristled and ready for a good fight. A feeling I have never felt before.

She introduced herself yesterday as Ann, and she seems to be very protective over these girls.

With my enhanced wolf hearing, I can hear several footsteps approach our door. Ann growls, barring her teeth. She squares her feet ready to attack.

I can hear the locks come undone, and count, 1.....2.....3.....4.....,the door knob starts to turn. Ann growls in anticipation for what's beyond the door, whether it's friend or for.

Ann loses patience and jumps at the door. Growling and snarling, slamming it shut again. A growl is heard from the outside, enraging her more.

A hand touches my side, "Mar what if they are good and want to help," Anita says, calming my wolf.

Ann doesn't want to hurt her friends, just to protect. Even though Anita is shaking in fear, Ann willingly backs down.

Walking back to the girls, Anita's hand still on my side, sliding up to my shoulder, I lay down. Anita curls up to me and we wait what's to come.

I don't shift back, because I'd be naked if I did so. Ann gave me back control, but still in the fore front incase of danger.

The door slides open, inwards, and there stands a male and two others. Ann growls in my head, but refranes from taking control.

The girls wimper in fear at the sight of the three big men, standing at the door. They don't look familiar,so we know they are not pack.

"Slaves," a man says. The man steps aside as a big black wolf takes his place. I growl, but drop my head down, forcing Ann to submit to him, though she fights me.

"We do not submit, we are of Alpha blood," Ann growls to me. "We were, we are now slaves," I remind her, getting a growl in return.

The male shifts, and approaches us. "You are safe," he growls, then looks at me. His eyes flash to that of his wolf, causing me to growl.

"Come, you will be safe in my pack," he says, "find these girls, clean clothes and a place to stay," he says, then walks out.

The girls and I are ushered out of our room, and into rooms to dress. I shift and put on the clean clothes, that were provided.

We are then ushered into cars and then they drive off.

An hour later,we arrive at the new pack. We are then directed to a house. "This is yours," a male says. He then clothes the door and leaves.

The girls go and check out the house, picking out their rooms. I choose the only room downstairs, it was smaller than the rest, but I didn't feel comfortable being upstairs.

I lay down on the floor after taking the pillow off the bed, along with a thin blanket and fall asleep.


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