Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


"Those pumpkin spice lattes aren't going to make themselves, you know." I give Julian my most blasé smile—the kind of smile you'd give your best friend whom you definitely didn't have a crush on—and head back inside the cafe.

The door chime melds with the classical music playing softly in the background. There's something so lonely about how empty the place is. There's no line stretching from the counter to the door. No kids from Stone Hill High poring over homework. No couples sipping handcrafted drinks from gorgeous Jewels Cafe mugs. No one but Julian and me. And if business doesn't pick up, the two of us will have to sell to that land developer who's been sniffing around and watch this place get torn down.

My face falls, and Julian gives my shoulder a gentle nudge. Somehow, he always picks up on my moods, and this is no exception.

"The lattes could make themselves, you know," he teases. "A bit of magic here, a spell there..."

"Don't you dare, Juli! Remember what happened when you tried to make cocoa? You're lucky I didn't get second-degree burns!"

"That was three years ago." Julian pouts. "I was only eighteen! I have way better control of my spellcasting now."

"Do you?" I raise an eyebrow. "Like with my bed?"

"That wasn't my fault!"

"You nearly took out a wall."

"But I didn't!"

"It takes up the entire room, Juli! It's like three king size beds in one. I barely have any room to walk around. Plus, it's way too soft."

"It's luxurious." He has the gall to wink at me. "One of a kind."

"It's definitely that."

"Come on, Amber, just admit it. It's brilliant."

"Is not!" I fake pout, because we both know he's right. Buying a used doll house and magically expanding all the furniture saved us thousands of dollars. So what if the quality's not that great? I can totally put up with sleeping in a too big, too soft, and definitely too lonely bed, if it means keeping this place out of that land developer's greedy paws for another month.

"I could always try to shrink your bed down to a king size..." Julian suggests.

"And risk leaving me with no bed? Not happening! And you are not casting any spells on our coffee machine, either!"

"Fine," Julian grumbles, but I know he'd never risk casting his spells around our expensive equipment. Not when his magic, like mine, has always been wonky.

"How about you grab the pumpkin spice while I heat the milk?" I suggest. "Our sign is bound to bring in customers."

"Will do."

"And don't you dare use magic!"

"Wouldn't dream of it, boss." Julian gives me a wink and a salute, and I feel all warm and gooey inside.

Why?! Why do I react to him this way?

I don't want to be attracted to Julian. Not when he just sees me as Bean.

I promised myself I'd get over him when we bought this place. I've reminded myself countless times that I can't risk ruining our friendship and making things awkward. So why do my feelings for Julian keep growing stronger?

If anything, moving to a supe town and opening a cafe together has made everything worse. Knowing that Julian's room is a few doors down from mine has meant a lot of sleepless nights. Nights spent lying alone in my giant bed and waking up from Julian-filled dreams that even now make my cheeks flush.

Amber (Jewels Cafe #1) [Published]Where stories live. Discover now