Chapter 51

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The whole network was on fire not only because of Xia An's fixed makeup, but also because of the voting battle with Xu Jinyang.

Xia An, as a group leader, lead the other two guests who have not been eliminated, and fought fiercely with the already devastated zombie guests.

Because of the various rules, it is not good for the three guests who have not been eliminated.

Therefore, in the opening, the "seemingly plug-ins" Xia An has become less powerful.

It just, something that is difficult to deal but completely upon regards haven't exist!

Generally, Xia An is still the existence of a big demon! Even if there are more rules to limit her,


Whether it's hunting zombies or hunting wild game in the wilderness, she is capable of everything!

In particular, in the wild, Xia An is also like a five-star chef. In such a tough environment without enough material, she can still produce a game meals, although the appearance is not good, but the taste is absolutely great!

Every time the cameraman take a shot of Xia An, Xu Lin and Han Yue, who were watching in front of the monitor can only gulping their own saliva.

"Hey son, eat this legs."

At night, Xia An grinned while looking at the wild boar that was grilled on the grill, cut a piece of thigh, and handed it to Xia Xingchen who had already removed the zombie makeup.

"Good!" When the little guy looked at the pork leg meat given by Xia An, he happily took that piece greasy meat that Xia An handed over.

In the eyes of others who are envious, ah, he took a big bite.

Xia An, who was cutting roast pork, was watching with her eyes lit up as he ate.

"Mom! It's delicious!"

"Eat more if it's delicious."

Seeing the little guy's greasy mouth, Xia An said with a smile.

She really didn't think, her first time cooking for the little guy was in such a place, and it was still roast pork, which is really unintentional ah!


the game in this mountain is delicious!

Whether it is a hare, a pheasant or a wild boar!

They are all delicious!

Looking at the oiled and shiny cooked meat in front of her, Xia An licked her lips and swallowed her saliva, and then her slicing the meat
hand movement become faster.



This is really suffering for several other cameraman, as well as Liu Neng and Jiang Chen who have been eliminated by Xia Xingchen.

These two people are also unlucky. I thought they could safely finish the program but I holding on Xia An's thigh.

But who knows, there is also a little demon in the show that can restrain Xia An!

As soon as the little demon appeared, they were unprepared and were eliminated by a small radish head.

It's a disgrace!

They were not eliminated by a group of large zombies, and definitely not eliminated by Xu Jinyang and Xue Yu.

In the end, they were eliminated by Xia Xingchen, who's size had not yet reached their waist.

Who wasn't angry!

The most important thing is that when they were eliminated, Xia An was watching on the side!

Did not remind them at all, but also looked at her baby son with a look of appreciation!

This kind of manner cannot be too obvious ah!

"I said, Xiao Xia, we have all been eliminated by your son. Can you give us some food to comfort us?"

Liu Neng, who has always been fastidious about health, looked at the fragrant and fragrant wild boar meat baked in the hands of Cheyenne, and could not help but swallow the saliva.

In the end, he really revered Xia An, even in such a bad situation, she could actually get the BBQ!

In addition, there are so few materials in the mountains, she still can use the things in the mountains to make the BBQ so delicious!

"Yes goddess, beg for barbecue."

Jiang Chen, sitting on the side, also looked at Xia An pitifully, and said while swallowing the saliva.

After watching the two people who had been swallowing saliva, Xia An raised a brow, although she was very protective, but today they were ousted by her son, so she is a little generous.

"Well, let's sit down and eat together." After she said the sentence, Xia An suddenly regretted it.

This wild boar is really not very big! It is not enough for her to eat by herself!

However, the words have been spoken, Xia An can only reluctantly divided the barbecue to Jiang Chen and Liu Neng.

After eating the barbecue, the originally depressed mood because they were eliminated by a small child was suddenly disappeared.

They were enjoying a delicious barbecue while chatting with Xia An.

"Oh! Xiao Xia, your barbecue skill is really good! It is definitely the best barbecue I have ever eaten!"

Transmigrated To Be  Delicate Mother Of The VillainHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin