Chapter Eleven

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It's been several weeks since I've healed myself, and I've basically reverted back to my original, guarded self.

Once Kenna made me realize the connection I have with Bryce was more than I thought it was, I've been scared. I still have the dream to one day go home, but if I get close to him, it might not be so easy.

At the moment, I'm lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling, and thinking about Bryce.

Ugh! Stop it! I tell myself.

Admit it! Kenna growls at me. You like him!

No! I snap. I can't like him! It'll change everything!

Change can be good. My dragon argues.

What if I get to go home? That shuts her up. As much as she likes Bryce, she wants to go home even more.

There's been a few times I've had the opportunity to grab Jupiter and run, but Kenna always flashes a picture through my mind of one of these wolves I've grown quite fond of: Jasmin, Kiara, Bryce, and even little Mason.

Ugh, what is happening to me? Why can't my life go back to normal? Well the normal I'd gotten used to for the last four years.

After a few more minutes, I pull back my covers and roll out of bed. I run my fingers through my tangly hair and — using a hair tie from my wrist — I sweep the red strands into a messy bun.

I open my bedroom door and lightly walk to the dining room. An incredible smell I've come to recognize as these flat bread things called pancakes is wafting through the air. I smile a little and plop down in a seat.

"Morning." Cole says to me, glancing up from his breakfast.

"Azari!" Jasmin exclaims cheerfully from the kitchen doorway. "You're awake! Here, I'll get you some food."

She disappears for a second and comes back with a plate of pancakes and a glass of juice.

"Thanks, Jasmin." I grin up at her, picking up a fork and digging in.

Mason is seated across from me and about halfway through my pancakes, he asks a question that makes me still.

"How did you heal yourself?"

"Mason!" Jasmin scolds. "She doesn't want to talk about it. Besides, it's been weeks; it's not even relevant anymore."

He shrugs, taking a bite. "Just wondering. I wish I could do something like that, that's all."

I give him a soft smile. "It's kind of like magic." I tell him, giving everyone an answer they've been seeking from me for days. "I have powers, I guess you could call them. Mine are fire."

Mason's eyes doubles in size. "Really? That's so cool! Could you show us?"

My smile dips a little. "Maybe some other time. I don't want to put anything here to flames."

"Then I'll take you to the field!" He suggests excitedly.

"The field?"

He nods. "It's where the pack plays games and stuff. Although it's mostly used for school."


The little boy gapes at me. "You don't know what school is?"

I shrug, "I heard you guys mention it once or twice. I'm not sure exactly what you mean when you do, though."

"It's where you go to learn things, like math and reading and science and stuff. Our school is pack exclusive, though, so we also have training sessions as part of our school day."

"Maybe we should get her enrolled." Cole says to Jasmin in a quiet voice.

Jasmin glances at me. "Is that something you'd like? We could also put Jupiter in Kindergarten."

"Will I make friends there?" My brother asks enthusiastically. I jump a little, forgetting he was there this whole time; he's been so quiet!

Mason nods, just as enthusiastic as Jupiter. "Yeah, you'll make lots! And you'll get to play games with them and learn things. You'll like it!"

Jupiter turns his head to me, smiling brightly. "Can I, Ry, can I?"

I glance at Jasmin skeptically. "I don't know, bud. I don't like that that I won't be able to know where you are."

"He'll be fine," Jasmin assures me, "You both will."

I look down at my empty plate, stirring the left over syrup with my fork. "I don't know. . ."

Jasmin reaches over and grabs my hand, stopping my syrup stirring. "Bryce will be there," I caught a sparkle in her eye at that. "And Kiara. And you'll meet new friends in the pack as well! Personally, I think you should give it a try. It'll be good for you."

I sigh, deep in thought. After a few moments, I slowly nod my head. "Okay," I breathed. "I'll try it." Jasmin, Mason, and Jupiter beamed at me.

And it was settled: I will be starting school next week.

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