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After the talk with todoroki it was her vs sero she walked in the battle field still thinking but she looked emotionless to

Midnight: BEGAN

sero taped her and tried to throw her out of bounds but todoroki used her right side to make a giant ice burg

Y/N: jeez talk about over kill

I see midnight and sero frozen

Midnight:s-s-ser-seros u-unable to m-m-move t-todoroki I-is the winner

The crowd cheered but felt bad for sero

Everyone: nice try , nice try , nice try

The whole stadium was trying to make sero feel better todoroki took a moment to melt sero out she looked sad I knew what she felt the sadness depression and know how you feel todoroki if you only knew the truth all of them but that could ruin S/N chance to be a hero the next match was Mina vs aoyama and that was completely boring then it was momo vs S/N

Midnight: BEGAN

S/N made a thunder bolt and threw it at momo . Momo then made a shield and blocked the attack momo then made a sword but S/N made a sword to but it was all metal even the grip its like dads quirk but she made it from metal and dad can turn into a running tank(think of the armored titan from attack on titan) momo used her shield to ram into S/N but she moved to the side and electrified her foot and kicked momo out of bounds

S/N : don't worry momo you did good

S/N offered her a hand up and she took it and ran back to the stances next up tesutesu vs Kirishima they both have the same quirk just a bit different

Y/N: hey sis that was a good match you put up with momo

S/N: yeah but I think I over did it

Y/N: no not at all

I then hear clanging of metal and rock I look and see tesutesu and Kirishima brawling to out but after another punch after another they bother go down


Then both get pulled out and are sent to the nurse office they proceeded with another match in next one was Ochako vs bakugo I feel bad a little Ochako isn't that powerful not yet but it's her decision and then they both walk-in the arena I feared the worst because bakugo won't hold back then the match began Ochako ran in and tried to touch bakugo by she got blasted away Ochako then tried again got blown up again everything was covered it smoke I couldn't see I used observation and saw her take off her jacket and threw it at bakugo and she tuck the bait and got caught off guard bakugo saw this and she quickly blew her up she tired , beaten and bruised I the get flashback of the abuse


Dad: you worthless little shit you shouldn't have been born

Mom: I asked for a son with a quirk not someone who can stand up for himself

Sister: you should kill yourself

Flashback end

At this point I'm crying I -I can't see this the match ended and I can see Ochako on the floor I stormed out of my set and went to the waiting room I cried

Y/N: why why now I don't need these

???: Y/N

I see isuma and Iida there

Iida: Y/N what's wrong aren't you happy

I then put on a fake smile to show him I'm fine

Y/N: I'm fine Iida its just seeing Ochako like that brought back some bad memories I didn't want to remember

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