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He's been in captivity before. So this should not be as difficult, considering he can actually breathe in the room he's being held in. It looked to be similar to an interrogation room that you would see on T.V. So you could probably guess that the chair was uncomfortable.

The questions were basic, but at some point turned out to be very personal. Ever since the Giant War, Nico has tried being more open about his feelings and his thoughts. But it proved to be difficult with everyone continuously turning their back on him. So he decided to keep his mouth shut. He conditioned himself to withhold information, secrets that he knew to keep to himself, and learned to keep his emotions in check. Even when he felt his throat become sore when he never said a word, or even when his eyes become bloodshot. Besides, it's not like anyone cared in the first place.

"So you're telling me that there is a camp, full of kids with mental disabilities, who have run away and live there? And it's all because there are people that hate kids with those disabilities and want to kill them?" Red Hood seemed skeptical.

"Yes..? I mean, sure you have your typical bullies and then there are your nerds-" BANG!

"Look, kid, quit trying to play us. Just tell us who you really are so we can get through this mess a whole lot easier. Besides, from the sound of it you seem to have a lot more enemies than me, which is saying something," Red Hood stood up.
"It's not like I lied. I do have enemies, but none that will want to bring me here," Nico said.

"Alright, Di Angelo, if you're not going to tell us about where you came from maybe you can tell us what you are," Nico's eyes widened.

How'd they figure out he wasn't fully mortal? That should be impossible considering he didn't use his powers, no slang was used that was typical in the demigod world, and he never even mentioned the pantheons.

"Want to explain to us why you only have half of your DNA? How the only strand that shows up is from your mom? Are you a clone? Were you a test tube baby? Were you experimented on? How about side effects? Do you have powers because of it?" Each question resulted in another sweat drop.

Of course, he forgot about the gods not having DNA. Well that's just great. Fantastic even. He couldn't get a break could he? Guess he had to come clean, there was no way he could get out of this now, but that doesn't mean he couldn't bend a few truths.

"Alright, I'll explain everything. I was originally born in the 1930's. My mother was mortal, and my father is a god. A greek god, the god of the dead, Hades. When I was eight my father decided to put me inside the Lotus Hotel and Casino. There, time passed differently, on the inside time was slowed down while on the outside, the world moved on quickly. I was there for what felt like months, but it was actually seventy years. After that my father's fury, Alecto, brought me out and put me in a military school. Then I was found by others like me, who had a mortal parent and the other being an Olympian god. We're called half-bloods, or demigods, and there is a camp. But only for those that are children of the gods. There we learn to protect ourselves from monsters, literal greek monsters from legends, and from rogue gods and titans, and even other demigods. As for the disabilities, just about every demigod is born with Dyslexia and ADHD. Some have it worse than others and then there are that rare few that don't have it. We have Dyslexia because our brain can only read Ancient Greek, sometimes Latin if we're lucky, and for ADHD. Our brain is hardwired for battle, that's where our reflexes come in," Nico then looked up to see their reactions, and it wasn't at all what he expected.

Nico expected them to at least have more questions or to be surprised. Hades, even a small part of him wanted them to laugh at him and call him a liar. But no, all Red Hood and Red Robin did was look at each other. Then came another question.

"Who brought you here? And what being kind of god on your planet has the ability to transport others through dimensions?" Red Robin asked.

"I... I don't know. There are ancient laws that say we can't cross into different universes, let alone dimensions. The punishment of that happening is worse than death. All I know is that whoever pulled this off, they're not of my world, and if they were, then I pray that that the fates know what they're doing."

"Alright, kid. Now all we need you to do is tell us who your enemies are, the ones that could have the potential to cross dimensions. Even if you think they didn't do it, we still need you to write down their name, even if a friend of yours was just pulling a prank," Red Robin pulled out a paper and pen.

Nico then proceeded to write down all of his enemies that he knew would screw him over. It wasn't hard, but keeping track of everyone proved to be a little difficult, considering just the smallest encounters can enrage a god/titan enough to do something like this.

The list was definitely long. He even included names of his friends that would do this as a practical joke. Which he wouldn't think would happen, and even though some demigods may act stupid they aren't dense enough to break an ancient law.

"You sure this is all of them?" The Bat asked.

"Yeah, I even included people that would do this as a practical joke."

"Alfred will be here in a moment to show you your room for the time being," He turned back around to his giant computer, typing away.

Well that was rude, he can't just decide that he was staying in the cave or not. In fact, he could leave right now, but that wouldn't be that good of an idea, considering how easy it was for Red Hood to just take out that mugger and then kidnap him. And he assumed that the rest of the clan could fight, if not better. So that wasn't an option, besides it couldn't hurt to scope out the place.

He was led to an elevator by an old man, who he assumed was Alfred. Fidgeting with his skull ring, the ride was silent and awkward. As the tin box came to a stop, the doors opened to reveal a beautiful room. The walls were tall and filled with paintings of people. What struck odd to him was that there was a grandfather clock in place of the elevator doors.

"Right this way Master Di Angelo," Alfred said.

"Uh, just call me Nico," The dead called him master, which made him uncomfortable at times, he didn't want to hear it from a mortal.

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