Chapter 18*

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Exactly like I'd guessed, someone did indeed find us. Marlon's pants were already down and he was heading toward me. We were immediately escorted out of the park. Luckily the security didn't seem to recognize the smell of the pot we had.

Once we'd arrived back home, all of us were exhausted. Paul tore off all of his clothing and immediately went to sleep face down in his bedroom. His backside casted a shadow onto his thighs, I turned off the light for him.

Marlon stood in the the bathroom at the sink. Behind him, I slowly took off my clothing. My eyes scanned his naked torso as he stood there. I wanted him to notice me, but he didn't really bother to pay much attention. Giving up, I sat on the side of the tub naked, then turned on the water to fill it.

Marlon shaved his face in the mirror. I stared at his body while he stood there. His bare muscular back was illuminated by the ceiling light above. A day's worth of sweat was on his skin. His slacks were still fastened tightly above his hips, the leather of his belt keeping them up. His eyes would glimpse at me every other moment, he knew I was watching.

Marlon enjoyed every second of my hungry stare. He was hungry too, looking back at my naked body that awaited his company in the filling tub. Once the water finally reached to the top, I reached over behind me and shut it off. Marlon stared at my breasts while I twisted it shut.

"I have something to tell you." He spoke, the safety razor gliding along his face. I looked up at him from where I sat, still slightly splashing the water beside me. His eyes looked to mine through our reflections in the mirror. "My sister is coming."

"Here?" I perked up. "Well that's great... I'd love to meet your sister."

"And I'm sure she'd love to meet you too." Marlon mumbled under his breath as he knocked his razor against the sink. "Say, I think it's about time I tell you something."

He walked over to me, razor still in hand. Then he joined me in sitting on the side of the tub. I reached over to the nearest wall and passed him a towel. He wiped his face. "I'm sure my sister will be a little shocked to see you."

"Because I'm colored?" My heart sank.

"No, not at all." He furrowed his eyebrows while the towel glided along his shaven face. "It's something a little worse."

"What could it possibly be?" I asked, taking the towel from him and wiping the spots on his face he missed. Marlon's eyes brightened slightly as he smirked.

"She thinks I'm engaged." Marlon mumbled. My hand that held the towel froze on his face. "And not to you."

"So who is she?" I asked quietly. His jaw clenched as he looked to the ground. It seemed like he had a thousand thoughts.

"Ellen. This girl named Ellen I had back at home." Marlon confessed as he leaned forward. I sat with my ankles crossed and the towel resting in my lap. "We came to New York together. She wanted to be an actress and I just followed along."

"You just followed along?" I laughed. "And then you became a near Oscar nominee?"

"Hey, I'm gonna get it eventually." Marlon pointed. "But I still think it's bunk they didn't give it to me the first time."

"You were too new to the acting scene, I guess." I stroked my finger along the wavy hair against his forehead. "You'll get your chance."

He looked away for a moment. "In any event, I think it's best we pretend that...."

"Wait you're not telling her that you are no longer engaged?" I rose my eyebrows.

"I was never engaged. But the family wanted me to be so I wrote back and said I was engaged." Marlon shrugged.

"Marlon, you lied to your family." I told him.

"I say it was a reasonable untruth." Marlon rubbed his hands together. "Come on, it'll let Ma get some sleep at night."

"And what about Paul and I?" I asked. "Will she be okay with Paul and I being together."

"Sure thing! All you have to do is pretend it's you, Paul, Ellen and myself who lives here." Marlon listed. I groaned while rolling my eyes, chucking the towel in my lap onto his chest. Marlon caught it while I stood up. "Hey, why so upset?"

"I'm upset because now I have to lie to your sister and I've never even met her!" I told him while stepping into the tub. He held out a hand as he helped me in. Once I sat inside, Marlon twisted around to look at me.

"It's just a little white lie. For the family's sanity... come on help me out." Marlon asked of me. I crossed my arms over my chest, the water splashing with my movement. Marlon groaned as he stood up, placing the towel back on the rack. Then he picked up a wash cloth and returned to his seat on the side of the tub.

I looked up at him with angry eyes as he dipped the washcloth in the water, then glided it onto my chest. Then he moved into my neck, stroking up to my chin.

"I'll be so enraged if you wet my hair." I warned.

"I'm not wetting your hair..." Marlon groaned back. I squinted at him, then finally allowed my body to relax. He continued to stroke over my body. The washcloth moved between my breasts then down my stomach. I bent my legs in the tub, my knees rising above water level. He totally passed where I wanted him most, instead opting to 'clean' the inside of my thigh.

I watched as Marlon took the leg closest to him and lifted it totally above the water. I watched him as he glided the soapy washcloth along it. Then I lifted the other and watched him repeat the same actions. Once both of my legs were back under water, I attempted to guide his hand toward my core.

He instead lifted the washcloth out of the water and wrung it over my chest. "Where are you in such a rush to?"

"Why don't you come in?" I invited. Marlon grinned at me, dropping the washcloth into the water. I took it and held it onto my chest with a smirk while I watched him remove his belt. Slowly he pushed his pants down to the ground, the kicked them to the side in the most suave manner.

He stepped in on the opposite side of the tub, relaxing as the water enveloped his body. I got onto my knees and made my way over to him, kneeling in between his legs under the water. He rested his arms on the sides of the tub while the washcloth stroked over his chest. After going over each side I moved it down his abs to his member.

At that point I let go of the washcloth and placed both hands around his cock. He moaned as I stroked him, then held onto my waist while I mounted him. While holding onto his hair, I slowly eased him into me. His full lips were gaping and pressed against my cheek. Once I'd finally got him in, we both exhaled as I moved my hips. I gripped onto the nape of his neck as I rode him.

Finally I lifted myself onto my knees while still straddling him. He kissed over my wet breasts while he began to stroke himself. While looking up into my eyes he grunted as he finished, releasing what had been building up that whole time.

I held his face and kissed him, relaxing my backside back onto his lap. "Can I take my bath in peace now?"

"I suggest a shower." A naked and awake Paul said from the doorway. In his hand he had a snack, insatiably eating into it. "That was great, though."

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