Chapter Six

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Once you were in the safe space of your hotel room you let out a breath of relief.

"That was so exhausting." You kicked off your shoes and let yourself fall on the bed that was even softer than you expected it to be. Tom chuckled and nodded his head, his brown curls swaying with the motion.

"Yeah, when you said your family was a bit much I thought you were exaggerating... but no. They really are a lot." You hummed in agreement and got up from the bed to retrieve your pyjamas and washbag from your suitcase.

"D'you need the bathroom now or can I go first?" You asked Tom once you had gotten everything. Tom looked up from his phone.

"'S alright. You can go first." He sent you a kind smile before turning back to his phone. You tried your best to get ready for bed as quickly as possible. You were exhausted and wanted to sleep soon because you had to get up early tomorrow. And you also didn't want Tom to think that you were one of those girls that took ages in the bathroom. When you opened the bathroom door, Tom was standing in the middle of the room taking off his shirt.

You stood stunned in the door not sure if you should pretend that it was totally normal for you to see a shirtless guy or if you should close your eyes and turn back into the bathroom. You decided to go with the first option, you wanted to be confident. Trying not to check him out too obviously you moved over to your suitcase to put the clothes you had worn back before moving over to the bed and slipping under the covers.

Meanwhile, Tom had (sadly) put on a shirt again and disappeared into the bathroom with his toiletries, giving you a chance to be alone for a moment. You took that time to check your phone for a minute. You had a few messages from your friends telling you to have fun at your sister's wedding. You hadn't really been in contact with most of them recently. Your 'relationship' had made some of them show their true colours. Some of your so-called friends really thought you were just dating him for the attention. That's why you never told any of your friends about the little arrangement you had with Tom. You didn't feel like you could trust them. And you envied Tom for his best friend Harrison. You wished you had a best friend that you could trust a hundred per cent, but you were too afraid that someone could betray that trust and tell everyone that you and Tom were just faking it.

You quickly sent a few answers before checking your social media apps. You couldn't help but look for new photos of you and Tom, afraid that the twins had posted anything despite saying they wouldn't. But all you saw was a post from the guy at the fast-food drive-through who had uploaded the picture of him and Tom with the caption 'served spider-man today. made my day' Though it kind of defeated the purpose of the fake dating arrangement, you were kind of happy he didn't mention you. As Tom reentered the room, you put the phone back down on your nightstand while Tom turned off the ceiling lamp, the only light now coming from the lamp on his nightstand.

"And you're really okay with us sharing the bed?" He asked unsure, standing by the side of the bed.

"Get in, Tom. I don't need you to be grumpy tomorrow because you slept in one of the armchairs." You motioned to the two armchairs next to the door.

"Fair enough..." with that he got into to the other side of the bed. While the bed was big enough for two people, it wasn't exactly huge either.

"I'm sorry if I kick you during the night. I'm not used to sharing the bed with anyone." you chuckled turning your head to watch Tom.

"Yeah, me neither. Except for Tessa sometimes." Tom shrugged his shoulders and picked up his phone that he had put on the nightstand. He turned on the do not disturb function and put it back.

"I miss her. Do you think I can see her when we get back?"

Tom nodded eagerly "Of course! To be honest I think she misses you, too." A smile spread across his face and you automatically had to smile, too.

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