Chapter 18

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I hadn't seen Bella all morning. I had tried to call her multiple times but she won't answer. Which is strange coming from Bella since she would always answer. She would feel guilty for not answer right away.

When lunch rolled around she wasn't at our usual table like she always is which caused me to worry more. "Have you guys seen Bella?" I asked worriedly. They looked up from there food and they all shook their heads, "no why?" Bobby asked stuffing his face with chips.

I let out a sigh, "I haven't seen her all day, and she isn't answering her texts," I said frustratedly.

Brian frowned, "have you tried messaging her or calling her?" He asked as he took a bit out of his burger. Honestly, I don't know how they are hungry at a time like this. I feel like I'm gonna be sick to my stomach.

"I left 18 messages and 5 voicemails," I said causing them all to stop eating. We all know Bella like the back of our hands.

"That's not like Bella to not answer," Ace said frowning.

"Yeah, she would feel guilty for making us worry by not answering," Bobby pointed out making me nod.

"Didn't you go to visit her last night?" Brian asked and I shook my head, "I wasn't able to go last night because I stayed longer at the gym so I wouldn't have to go tonight," I said honestly.

"Did you check the nurse's office maybe she wasn't feeling well and decided to take a nap in their" Ace asked and I shook my head. That was a possibility since she hasn't been sleeping well recently, and it would make sense why she wouldn't be answering her phone.

The guys quickly finished eating and walked to the nurse's office, after a couple of minutes we came to a stop at the door, a nice lady about mid-50s sat behind a desk.

"What can I do for you dear?" She asked politely.

"Hi, ma'am we were wondering if a girl named Bella had come in here today?" Brian asked politely. The nice lady shook her head, "no dear I'm sorry,"

"Okay thank you," Brian said and we left.

"Maybe you should check her locker," Bobby said as we walked down the hall, we all turned to him as if he had eight heads, "what, maybe she came to school and left her phone in her locker then left suddenly," at this point we don't have anything to lose and we still had 10 minutes left before the bell rang.

We walked over to Bellas locker, I put in her combination when I did a bunch of papers fell out making me frown, "what the fuck," I said squatting down and picking up the papers the guys doing the same. I thought we had fixed this problem already. The guys and I had confronted Joey and his friends, even the cheerleaders, let me tell you those girls are walking STDs. when we confronted them they started flirting with us. Bobby being his dramatic self had thrown up.

"Wait guys look at this," Bobby said holding up a note sheet with a black sharpie on it. I frowned confused the only thing that stood out to me was the word dove. It caused this rage to fill in me. Who was this person or people to call my Bella Dove? It was as if she was theirs, and she wasn't.

I went to reach out for the paper but Brian took it before I could, "why does dove sound so familiar?" he whispered to himself as he seemed to study the words written in black ink. I didn't know why he was so interested, it was probably someone just trying to freak her out, and I wasn't appreciating it very much.

Bella is like a delicate fragile person. She flinches at the smallest sounds and slightest movements. She always seemed to have this war going on with herself in her head. I noticed the first time I saw her freshman year of high school.

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