Jane Austen

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Special thanks to @clo_reads01 for recommending to discuss Jane Austen!

Hello readers and writers! 

You excited for this week? This writer lived in the Georgian era, her novels are well-known for her social commentary, questions, and romance; indeed, this week is Jane Austen (1775 - 1817).  

When Jane Austen was in her 30s, she started to publish anonymously: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and Emma. Later on, she published more and even her brother, Henry, published Northanger Abbey following Jane's death. 

This discussion welcomes any questions, interests in asking and talking about specific writings and her personal life, what cultural aspects might have influenced her as a writer, and many more.

Our discussion is inspired by @ihavenonamehalp question; thank you for your question!

Do you think Jane Austen's stories can help women in today's date? With the social constructs adapting and changing as time continues? If so, do you believe this is one of the many reasons why we love and connect with her stories and characters? 

If you have another author you'd like to see a discussion on please leave it in the comments below for a chance to be featured in a future chapter!

Have fun! 


Jane Austen - Movies, Books & Life

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