𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐖𝐎 | My Rescuer, My Hero

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The moment I stood up to my feet, pain shot through my head. It's odd. It's unbearable. It's like drunk not slower, not exactly drunk.

Besides, it's impossible for me to get drunk after having a glass of water instead of alcohol unless...

Oh no! Unless...

He put something in my drink.

"What's happening to me?" I waved my hand in front of my face...

And I have three fingers?

"Wow, Sahara? Are you okay?" Jake asked me, standing up to his feet as well.

"I don't know. I'm feeling dizzy. What did you do to me?" I placed my hand on my head to contain the dizziness.

"What did I do to you, Sahara?" he turned the question back to me, it sounded like he was pretending that he didn't know anything. Innocent much.

"What did you put in my drink?" I asked again as my head was getting heavier and heavier.


"Why don't we go upstairs? You can rest on the bed." he offered.

Bed? No way! This is way too far.

"Are you crazy? I'm not going to bed with you..." I spitted, my voice was getting even quitter.

And in moments of horrific, I realised that I have to escape from here before it's too late. I struggled to walk but unfortunately, stumbled on my own feet and collapsed onto the floor.

"Oh God..." I exclaimed as my body hit the hard concrete.

"Shit! Sahara? Are you okay?" he asked, putting his hands on my shoulders to help me up.

"DON'T TOUCH ME? WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME?!" I shouted in his face, I jerked his hands off my shoulders.

"If you put it that way then..." he snapped and before I got to regain my balance back, he bent down and scooped me over his shoulder. I screamed loudly in horrific.

"HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PUT ME DOWN!?" I yelled while banging my fists on his back multiple times nonstop, kicking my legs as well and used every part of me body to fight him.


"Keep your voice down. We don't want anyone to hear you..." he groaned.

Oh no, please...

This is not good, my subconscious was screaming in my head. My mind was reeling with all sorts of bad possibilities but my body was too weak, too heavy to move and I couldn't retaliate anymore.

I wanted to fight him but my body was begging for me to lay down. The alarm was screeching in my head for me to keep on fighting. Don't stop. Don't stop. Keep your eyes open. Fight him. Fight him. Fight him.

Soon later, I felt my back hit the mattress and when I turned my head to the side, I was already on the bed, somewhere in a room.

"W-Where am I?" I murmured, making an effort to stand up but the room began to spin.

There was a knock on the door and my blood ran cold when Britney suddenly approached at door.

"You've got her after all." she looked down at me pathetically and formed a sinister smile on her lips.

"W-What is t-this? What a-are you doing t-to me?" my voice began to crack but still managed to say something.

"SHUT UP, YOU LITTLE BITCH!?" she snapped and walked towards the bed.

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