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stop snoring

ok but it's 2am stop kicking me

stop snoring then

sleep somewhere else dude i'm TIRED

lemme sleep man

ok but i like sleeping next to u

ok sleep then


but ur snoring

and ur annoying


i said what i said 🤭


wait no don't stop cuddling me


but i don't listen to meanies

ur a whole ass three year old


but ur cute and i love u :)


wait that lowkey makes me sound like a pedophile

i'm not in love with an actual three year old i promise


are u always like this when ur tired or nah


omg what is it with u falling asleep when i'm talking to u

am i that boring?? 🥺

dude stop waking me up smh

and no ur not boring

ur presence is just really calming

ok but that doesn't mean u can fall asleep when i'm talking to u 😞😤

placing her phone down, soonyi turned herself over so she was facing taehyung.

"you're an idiot, you know that right?" she whispered, aware that everyone else was asleep.

taehyung only smiled and laughed as he let out a quiet hum of agreement.

shaking her head and chuckling, soonyi wrapped her arms around taehyung's torso and cuddled up to him.

"bro, you're like a whole ass radiator- the fuck?" soonyi's eyes widened in surprise as she felt the temperature of taehyung's body.

"hey, it's not my fault i'm-"

"don't say it."

"i'm really-"

"kim taehyung i'm warning you."

"it's not my fault i'm really hot." taehyung smirked, chuckling as soonyi started to lightly smack his chest.

"ewwww," soonyi cringed, pushing her face into taehyung's chest, "i can't believe you actually just said that, oh my god."

putting a hand on the back of her head, taehyung pushed her further into his chest and placed his chin on top of her hair. smiling in content, he wrapped his free hand around her waist and pulled her close.

"hey taehyung?" soonyi mumbled, her voice basically inaudible against taehyung's chest.


"i'm really glad that i met you. you know that, right?" she glanced up at tae as she finished, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"of course i do, bear." taehyung pecked her forehead and smiled down at her.

"come on," he continued, noticing how soonyi's eyes had started to droop, "let's get some rest."

"...mmk." soonyi only groaned in response, shuffling closer to taehyung.

soon, the two were fast asleep, content in each other's arms.

until seokjin didn't know how to turn the flash off and jungkook was covering his eyes screaming.

confused, soonyi sat up and squinted her eyes at the morning sunlight coming through the blinds. seokjin stood there with his phone pointed towards her and taehyung, his face the epitome of guilt. glancing over at jungkook, she sighed when she heard him muttering about how 'they had sex and now there are going to be mini taehyungs everywhere'.

"jungkook, can you stop saying we had sex?" soonyi, muttered, too tired to deal with his bullshit. she removed taehyung's arm from her waist, ignoring his whines of protest, and walked over to the bathroom.

"jungkook," taehyung started, sitting up, "if we did have sex, i don't think she'd be walking right now." he smirked, laughing as jungkook ran out of the room with wide eyes yelling about how he needed gallons of holy water.

seokjin still stood in the room, slightly confused as to what just happened, however he was snapped into reality when taehyung snatched the phone from his hands.


"awhhh, this is such a cute picture jin!" taehyung gasped, quickly sending it to himself. he carelessly threw jins phone back to him, and ran to go see the photo on his own phone. jin just rolled his eyes with a fond smile and left the room.

soonyi walked back in the room and taehyung wasted no time in sending the photo to her as well.

"damn," she said, looking at her new wallpaper, "we kinda cute though."

she smiled and looked up and taehyung, only to find him already looking at her. giggling, she gave him a quick peck on the lips, as they exchanged quite "i love you's".

a/nomg it's been so long i'm sorry :(( i've been in a bad mental state a while now and it got kinda bad recently, but i'm doing a lil better now!! i'm also halfway through exams, but there should be more frequent updates soon!! :) <3

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omg it's been so long i'm sorry :(( i've been in a bad mental state a while now and it got kinda bad recently, but i'm doing a lil better now!! i'm also halfway through exams, but there should be more frequent updates soon!! :) <3

(also- the book is very close to finishing and i'm emotional :(( )

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