Chapter one -my flight starts-

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I looked at my ticket as I was walking inside and tried to find my seat, I placed my bag in one of the storages above, and finally rested on my seat.

Luckily there wasn't anyone on the seat next to mine.

The next thing I hear is the pilot telling us to please take a seat and buckle up for our safety.

I do as she says and put the safety belt on.

About 20 minutes later I felt shaking, I took off my headphones to hear better, I see other people panicking.

"Ladies and gentlemen please stay in your seats, we are having some turbulency" says the pilot

Suddenly the plane does a barrel roll and everyone screams!

"what the hell!"

Then it stops.

"I apologize for that, we seem to have some technical problems but it's  totally fine"

I take out my notebook and write down notes.

"pilot is crazy? the plane is not safe... we did a barrel roll, what kind of pilot does that, but again she said it's technical issues, hmm"

"Ladies and gentleman you can now get off your seats and explore if you want to"

"Finally," I said, but I still wasn't sure about anything here, it all seemed too suspicious.

Most of the people just stayed in their seats, I went out to explore more, I saw the service room with all the cleaning supplies, but next to it I saw two people who seemed like agents, I didn't catch their full conversation but at the end one of them said "and remember no one should know about this"

which was weird, I tried not to be seen and saw them both leaving the room.

I wrote the conversation in my notebook.

I went back to my seat and just then the crew were giving us food, I took one sandwich and a coffee.

A few minutes passed and I saw one of the agents passing through.

He went into the storage room and went back from where he came.

It was night already, so I tried closing my eyes and sleeping.

I was woken up by some shaking which at this point I was used to it.

I got up and went to look for some coffee where the coffee machines were.

After I get my coffee, I turn around and I see legs sticking out behind the curtain.

I slowly open it and see the crew members with slashes on their bodies.

I dropped my coffee and tried to run but in front of me was the monster.

He had claws on his hands and red eyes.

I stumbled backward.

"Did you forget about me so quickly"

His talking sounded like deep growling noise, and his body surrounded by firey smoke.

Just as he was about to claw me, I woke up.

I shook off my chair with fear.

"what just happened!"

A few seconds later and I realize it was a dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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