The backstory

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As a journalist, my job is to bring new information to my boss, and to get all the good opportunities that come my way, I love my job, and I love working here, especially on interesting stories.

Recently I've heard rumors about this story going around, about some monster who can take any shape or size, who can literally impersonate anyone.

The story is that this monster was once a human but he had no one, no friends at all, as a matter of fact, no one even liked him.

And there was something about planes, he was always so obsessed with planes, in a scary way.

He liked to read news about plane crashes.

So he tried to make a plane crash himself, and unfortunately, he succeeded at it.

the plane called N3407 crashed not so long ago.

My opinion is that people can make stories and believe in them.

And about the airplane crash... well a lot of things can make a plane crash, fortunately, we have have amazing detectives working hard to figure out what happened.

Well long story short, I really wanted to know more about this story and so I asked my boss to assign me to go and discover what actually happened, and he wanted facts and truth, not some stupid story, I needed something to tell all of the people who lost someone in that crash the reason why it happened, now, of course, I'm not a detective I'm a journalist and I'll do my best to find out what happened.

So my boss got me tickets and I was on my way, it's gonna take about 5 hours to travel to my destination, but It wasn't a problem for me.

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