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Chapter 60

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"Jake," Tripp said. "Will you watch the front for a bit?"

He still held onto Seth's shoulders, and that was probably the only thing keeping Seth from crumpling to the floor.

A soft grunt was Jake's reply.

Taking it as an affirmation, Tripp then steered Seth through the swinging kitchen door and into the relative privacy of the kitchen. Only then did Tripp let him go.

Seth immediately moved away to give himself some space. He leaned against the counter since his legs felt shaky.

It was over.

Carly had found him and now his family knew where he was. It was only a matter of time before they came back and dragged him home. And this time, his uncle wouldn't be there to help him.

Tripp stood in front of the door, cutting off the main escape route. Then he eyed Seth, a small frown settling in place of his normal, easy-going smile. "Tell me what that was about."

Seth tensed, gripping the counter behind him with both hands. Panic spurred his heart into overdrive, and every pounding beat of it was like a thunderclap in his ears. His throat locked up.

"It's all right, kid," Tripp's voice was low, soothing. He stayed where he was, allowing the distance to remain between them. "I just want to understand what's going on. That girl was your sister?"

Seth gave a shaky nod.

Tripp rubbed his chin. "Okay. You don't get along, do you?"

Seth shook his head no.

"I suppose that was obvious. Well, she won't be coming in here again, so you don't have to worry about that." Tripp offered a tight smile, yet it felt more threatening than comforting. It startled Seth to see such a look on a man who was usually mild-mannered.

He swallowed, blinking against the moisture welling in his eyes. So stupid. He swiped an arm against his eyes, though it didn't help much. His emotions were a wreck and he didn't know what he was supposed to do about it.

To make matters worse, Tripp was watching him. The man remained silent for a long moment, then asked carefully, "She mentioned a funeral. Was that—"

Seth burst into tears. He couldn't help it. The grief was like a raw wound, poked and prodded until it bled by Carly's cruel words, and now Tripp might as well have punched it. Mortified, Seth turned away from his boss, hands flying up to cover his face even as his shoulders shook and gasping sobs ripped past his throat.

"Oh." Tripp sounded shocked. "Oh, I'm sorry."

Next thing Seth knew, he was sitting on the floor, his back resting against the cabinets built into the counter. Tripp crouched beside him, holding a roll of paper towels and tearing off one sheet at a time. These were offered to Seth, who took them and tried to mop up the snot and tears that just wouldn't stop coming.

A pile of damp, crumpled paper towels quickly formed on the floor, yet neither of them paid any attention to it. Eventually, Seth managed to regain control of himself, and he sat like a limp rag, sniffling like a small child. His head throbbed painfully.

"Better?" Tripp asked.

It was a stupid question, in Seth's opinion. He did not feel better. All he felt was exhausted and miserable. Yet he nodded his head anyway, because Tripp didn't need to know that.

Tripp sighed. "Look kid, I'm sorry for what you're going through. Maybe some time off would be—"

"No!" Seth blurted. That was the last thing he wanted. "I can't. I—I want to work." It gave him something to do, something to distract himself.

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