Chapter Nineteen

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I can NOT believe this story already has one THOUSAND reads! I can't thank you guys enough, your support for the pieces I'm working on means everything.




     Charles and his parents walked away from the entryway, and Cordelia saw a dark black eyebrow shoot up on William's face. "What was all that about?" He asked, his expression calm but curious.

     "Char-I mean, Lord Charles was just offering his most sincere congratulations to us both," she said, hoping the suddenly high octave of her voice didn't give way to any more suspicion. She heard her fiance grunt a "hm," as he moved on to grab a flute of champagne for the two of them.

     "My lady," he said, clinking his delicate glass against hers as he took a big sip. Cordelia, anxious about the way the evening would unfold, gulped her drink down as carefully and subtly as she possibly could. "Shall we dance then, future Lady Bishop?" He asked, setting their empty glasses down on a footman's tray and leading her by her tiny gloved hands into the glittering ballroom.

     Upon their entrance into the ballroom, she heard the sound of a knife tapping against glassware, as if someone was about to make a speech. "Ladies and gentlemen, if you'll please quiet down for a moment," she heard her father's thundering voice reaching to every corner of the room. Immediately, Cordelia's eyes raced to find Charles as subtly as she could without making William suspicious. 

     "I wish to make a toast to my daughter and her beloved." As Lord Alfred spoke, Cordelia's eyes locked with Charles' deep brown ones. He looked so miserable it was as if he was about to be sick. Cordelia herself felt a knot in her stomach when her father continued speaking. "Anyone that knows me surely understands the love I have for my dear daughter. Her senses of duty and level-headedness not only are responsible for keeping this estate as immaculate as it appears today, but also for keeping me afloat." Cordelia heard several "aw's" escape the mouths of the quieted guests. 

     "When the dashing Lord William requested her hand in marriage, I could not have been more overjoyed. He is a handsome, well-bred man of great refinement, and it is an honor to have my beautiful daughter join his esteemed family." He nodded his head towards William, and then Lord and Lady Bishop, and Cordelia saw a scowl form on Charles' face. "To the happy couple!" Lord Alfred exclaimed, raising his glass high in the air. From all around, Cordelia heard clinks, pats on William's back, and utterances of 'congratulations.' 

     In the midst of all of this, however, she only wanted to find Charles. Looking over his shoulder, he signaled to the back door of the ballroom that led to the illuminated gardens. Cordelia nodded her head, agreeing to follow him. She gently took her hand from William's as she made for the door, hoping to slip out amid all of the excitement. "Where are you off to? The dancing is about to begin!" He exclaimed, a frustrated look in his stunning blue eyes. 

     Cordelia did her best to fake a beaming smile and laughed. "Don't you worry darling, I'll be back before you can miss me. I'm off to find some punch," she said, knowing fully well that the door to the grounds was in the completely opposite direction of the punch. If William called after her or questioned her excuse, she didn't notice. She had to get to Charles, she had to talk to him.

     She was beginning to think that Charles hadn't waited up for her in the gardens, as he was nowhere to be seen. Compared to the ballroom, the labyrinth-like maze that was enclosed by tall hedges was nearly deserted. Almost all of the guests were inside enjoying the party. Cordelia tried to ignore the proper voice in her head that was telling her she should go inside and join them. She was about to give in and listen to it when she heard a whistle from around the corner.

     Following the call, she snuck closer without drawing attention to herself, until she was face to face with a somber-looking Charles. "Charles," she said, a little breathless. It was a shock for her to see him this way, especially knowing that she was most likely the reason why. "I owe you an explanation," she started, getting ready to explain everything when a finger shot through the air and landed against her lips, shushing her.

     "No, Cordelia, it is I that owes you the explanation." He dropped his finger and shoved his hands in his pockets, looking very hard at the ground. " When you left me there in London, I thought my heart was just about to burst. I have never felt elation followed by a profound pain in such succession as I did the morning that you left me. I was heartbroken, and before you or I could even speak to one another, you were whisked away by your father." Cordelia wasn't shocked at the words coming out of his mouth, she knew he harbored feelings for her, but why is he telling her this now? Surely those feelings evaporated into the air once he discovered she had moved on to William, no? Shouldn't he hate her?

     "So here it is, Cordelia. If you love him, wholeheartedly and without reservation, then I will leave you alone. You will never hear from me, and I will refrain from disturbing you. I will allow you and your new husband to enjoy married life without any difficulty from me." He paused before he continued. At hearing Charles describe Cordelia's impending life with a man that wasn't Charles, a lump caught in her throat. 

     The rosy image she'd had before of an uncomplicated life with William was now disrupted by one of passion and real love, and unfortunately for her, the latter image was not one that she shared with the man she was currently engaged to. Seeing this internal battle behind her eyes, Charles continued; "if you do, however, have even the slightest bit of reservation, if there's even a microscopic piece of your heart that still could grow to love me, then please, I'm begging you, Cordelia, give me the chance to fight for you."

     Ignoring the fact that they were still technically in the public eye, Cordelia jumped from where she was standing and flew into Charles' arms. His dark brown eyes looked even darker and mysterious in the moonlight, and she knew it was a mistake to leave him behind in London. Her lips locked with his, and before she could stop herself, she was entwined in his arms. 

     The world disappeared around her as they shared their long kiss. It was so unlike the soft kiss from before. Tonight's kiss was emotional, and it felt to her as if her entire world depended on it. His tongue crept into her mouth, and despite her initial surprise, she ended up following his lead. 

     A soft moan escaped from her lips before she could stop it, and she saw Charles' eyes widen with surprise and delight. The butterflies that she hadn't felt since she'd last seen Charles came rushing back to her, and she never wanted them to leave again. If it were up to her, they would have remained just like that forever, but of course, the universe holds other plans.

     "Cordelia?" A familiar voice asked from over her shoulder. 

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