Chapter 1: Amnesia

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You woke up feeling like you were bathing in a pool of lava, and trying to stretch out, you find out that you're cramped into a small oval-shaped container, which barely contains you. A animalistic grumble escapes you, surprising you to silence.

Unlike you expected to be, you're wide awake. You decide to try to break out, you dimly think. You start pushing outwards, and a crack sounds much too loudly through your mind. You notice suddenly that you feel weak, like your muscles aren't used to this. You were just about to decide to go to sleep, but soon enough voices seem to murmur in your head.

"They're hatching!"

"Are they tired or something?"

"C'mon, bud, you can do it!"

You huff at them all cheering you on, curious slightly on the word 'hatching'. Are you in a egg? That makes sense, you guess..

It is then that you feel a humongous surge of encouragement that is not your own in your mind, almost like it was forced there. You growl in annoyance, but reluctantly claw out of the crack that had appeared your last attempt.

A light breaks through, but you keep your eyes closed, falling face first rather clumsily out of the egg. Some of the others might have snorted in amusement, but it was soon covered up with shock, for some reason.

You carefully lift yourself, shaking yourself harshly while on all fours and hearing a tinkling sound. This confused you- what is that noise?

Curiously, you shake again, and hear it again. Then again, why are you on all fours almost naturally? Just as you were about to open your eyes to find out, millions of questions belonging to different voices peep up in your head.

"Why is she black-scaled?"

"She appears to be rather grumpy looking.."

"Open your eyes please!"

A hiss escapes you, opening your eyes only to glare at the source of the voices. A shocked look it forms into right away though, as she sees lined up dragon-like creatures staring at her oddly, consisting of red, gold, green, blue, purple, and silver?

Their scales were beautiful, making her stare in awe. They are staring at her back, mostly looking at her most likely scales or her eyes. You blink owlishly at them.

"Her eyes.."

"They're purple!"

You slowly pull out of your shock, glaring harshly at them causing them to flinch. One of them, a beautiful silver dragonet that shined lightly under his heatlamp, spoke in your mind.

"To use mindlink, think of your thought you want to say and push it to either all of us or a few or singular person." You shift your gaze to him, and he was watching you intently with yellow cat like eyes.

You attempt, "Hello." and he nods approvingly. With a chuckle, he goes on to explain the situation. You listen intently, and find that everyone here has been kidnapped, and turned into some species called dragonet. They are not aware we are sentient, thinking only our instincts transferred from our previous lives. If they do find were are sentient, however, they will put us down like dogs.

"You are not, to at any time, show a spec of sentience to them. Act like a animal- most of us choose cats because we are cat-sized, and have cat instincts."

You nod your head, and were about to speak, when suddenly the doors open. The fellow dragonets hiss at their entry, and you just ignore them. You go to your sand tray, rather clumsily, and curl up in it. While the silver dragonet named Piken explained the situation you had took a moment to observe yourself.

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