Chapter 3

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During breakfast, I still couldn't get the nightly run-in with the Alpha King out of my mind. I knew we've already met years ago, however, for the life of me I couldn't remember what he had looked like back then. We had, after all, both been merely children.

I also couldn't remember either his first or his last name. Throughout the supernatural world he was referred to as the Alpha King, and to my irritation I couldn't just ask Rob or Zara about his name. Such a question would only raise unnecessary red flags. After all, I wasn't supposed to know of his position, let alone that he was a werewolf.

I played with a half empty cup of coffee in my hands, rolling it around in circles. While the brown liquid heaved up and down, I followed its every wave.

"You okay, Ela?" Vivian was the first one to notice my distraction.

I blinked a couple of times to clear my thoughts before glancing at the rest of the table. "It's still too early for me."

As expected, the excuse worked perfectly. Everyone knew I had never been and never would be a morning person.

"What would you like to do today?" Zara averted everyone's attention.

"A tour of the castle," Rob said.

At the same time Vivian shouted, "Reading!"

The two siblings glared at each other. It didn't take even twenty seconds before Vivian stuck her tongue out at her brother.

"It's too cold inside the castle. Let's go outside." I wasn't going to be the only one left out of the family squabble.

"You can always put on more clothes," Rob said.

He was sitting diagonally across from me with Zara next to him. Vivian was on my left and Judy, of course, at the head of the table.

We were once again inside the small dining room where a table for six was perched in the middle and a serving table shoved in the corner. Otherwise, the rest of the room was bare, leaving us with nothing but wooden lower halves and decorated upper parts of the walls to stare at. Well, except for the gold candlestick positioned in the middle of the table, which refused to allow me to forget that I was still inside an old castle.

Zara was staring at us with softly parted lips, glancing from one to the other. Judy, on the other hand, shook her head with a sigh.

"Vivian, you can read when we get back home. This is your chance to spend some quality time with your brother and his girlfriend, so I suggest you use it." She radiated a calm façade as she turned to each of us. "Gabriela, you should put on something warmer, otherwise, you'll catch a cold. Robert, I agree with your sister. It is rather cold inside the castle, so a walk outside would be much better. And Zara, I hope you won't think they were raised by a pack of wolves."

For split of a second Zara stiffened at the mentioned of wolves and then quickly relaxed. Judy was obviously using a metaphor and it was only a coincidence that she chose to mention this particular kind of animal.

"Don't mind me. I'm happy to learn about every side of Rob. And this is definitely a new one."

The said guy shot Zara a sheepish smile before we began to stand up. Vivian protested the loudest until a stern glance from Judy shut her up. No matter how old we grew Judy still had an intense power over us.

With Zara as our guide, we made our way out of the castle. As predicted, it was much warmer outside. My best guess was that the werewolf genes somehow made them unresponsive to the cold. Otherwise, I couldn't understand why they would keep living in such a cold environment.

Silver Moon (Colors of the Moon #3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें