Part 1

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I ride up to the assisted living facility. I hate that I had to put my father in here, but I can't take care of him and be in the club. There is no way to take time out of the club, or leave the club. "Hey, Reno!" Mary, the nurse calls to me. I smile at her. I know all the women in here drool over me. I am a six foot tall hunk of muscle, thanks to my dad. I also have silver eyes that draw you in, mixed with my tan skin, dark hair, and string jaw line, women beg me to pick them. "Your dad is out smoking. He has been flirting with our new girl." She informs me, I reply with a nod. 

"Reno! My boy!" Dad calls as I walk out the door. I chuckle at him. He is sitting beside a gorgeous little woman. She doesn't have a drop of makeup on. She has dark hair, green eyes, thick long lashes, full lips, high cheek bones, and a button nose. "This is Nicole! She is brand new." Dad winks at me, and I roll my eyes. "Nice to meet you, Reno. I have to go give showers now. Excuse me." She stands and my pants start going tight. She has an hourglass body, and a thick ass. "She is gorgeous, smart, funny, and too young for me." Dad sighs. "Old man, you still have it." I tease him, but he doesn't joke back. "No, I don't. Plus, she is happily taken. Well, kind of. Her boyfriend seems like an asshole. They have lived together for nearly three years, and he still hasn't proposed, or eloped with her. In fact she got him all ready for the eloping, and he couldn't spit out the words 'I do' and she stayed with him." I can't help but chuckle. It's been a week since I have been here, and Dad already almost knows her life history.

"How is the old man?" Beauty asks me, upon returning to the club house. "Good. Obsessed with the new staff girl. I don't blame him." Beauty raises his scarred brow. "She is a looker, in the face and body." I smirk at him. "Maybe I will go see your old man. I wanna see this girl now." Beauty got his name because he is more of a Beast, but has a gorgeous face. He is our enforcer, torturer, kneecap breaker, any type of murder/mayhem/chaos. "We need a new girl here. I need to visit your old man." Snake's voice hisses from behind me. He makes my skin crawl but was appointed president by the original chapter. I grunt a response. He has made it his mission to take whatever I want, or whoever wants me. "She won't be interested in me, or the club, she has a boyfriend." I grunt. "Hmm, well then. " He stalks off. 

"If Snake gets a hold of that girl, she is as good as dead." Jones whispers. The blonde haired, blue eyed frat boy, with tattoos. He got his name because instead of drinking alcohol, he drinks Jones sodas. "There isn't anything we can do. Poor girl is fucked." Scar hisses. His name is from his open heart surgery he had when he was a baby, otherwise he is just a mexican, dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. We are all the same height, and all officers in the club. I am vice president, Beauty enforcer, Scar Sergeant at Arms, and Jones is our IT guy/treasurer. Unfortunately, that means there is nothing we can do, until she gets here. We can keep the others from harming her, but not Snake. 

"I want recon done on this woman. Her name, address, phone number, social, school, work history, number of marriages, number of kids, I even want to know when she lost her virginity." Snake barks at us. I nod, and take the last swig of my beer. This poor woman. It isn't hard to find out much about her. Her life has been tragic. Abusive first husband, second husband was killed in a car wreck, she can't get the asshole she is with to marry her now, she lost her virginity to a man now in prison for kidnapping and rape. He raped her too. She has tried to file rape charges against two others, but they were swept under the rug. She had had multiple miscarriages, and just found out she has cervical cancer, and can't ever have children of her own. The asshole she is with instead of being understanding, took off and hooked up with an ex, to have his own baby. She told him it was okay! She is a saint, and deserves so much better, than what she has been thrown. Jones, Beauty, Scar and I have agreed that we will get her the best treatment for her cancer, and keep her safe from everyone possible. 

I have been tasked with watching her. She is setting the tables for dinner. "This is the last I am going to see her, isn't it?" Dad asks me. I sigh, and nod. "Snake wants her." I inform him. "Rat bastard. He needs to die, or figure out his shit." Dad grumbles and walks away. I see him hug her, and I feel my heart sink. She looks confused, but laughs it off. Dad kisses her cheek, and walks away. "Ready for this?" Beauty asks, and I shake my head. "At least she will get treatment for her cancer now. Jones said she lost her insurance, and can't afford treatment without." I rub my eyes with the palms of my hands and nod. I hate to kidnap the poor girl. At least Snake has agreed to get her treatment for her cancer before he takes her. We are hoping he will forget about her by then. 

She is off work, and driving home the back way. This was her downfall. If she would drive home the highway, then we couldn't take her. I pull out on my bike behind her. She gets to the 'construction detour' and takes it. She pulls up to the others, and stops. I see her talk to the guys, all smiles. She gets nervous, and is acting spooked. Scar pulls the needle out, and stabs her arm with it. He leans through the window, and puts her car in park. She is thrown over his shoulder, and hauled to the van.

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