Chapter 22

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Poppy, Branch, And Biggie Snap Out Of Their Weird Hallucination From Chaz's Jazz Melody.

Branch Rubs His Head.
"Ugh....What Happened?"

"I Feel....Wonky"
Poppy Said.

"Willy Wonky?"
Biggie Asked.

Poppy Nods.

"That's The Worse Kind Of Wonky"
Biggie Said.

Mr. Dinkles Agreed.

"Y'all Alright?"
Hickory Asked.

"Yeah We're Good"
Poppy Replied.

"That Darn Jazz Troll And His Rose Petals Tryna Slow Us Down! Why I Outta-"
Hickory Punches A Piece Of Wood.

"Thanks For Saving Us"
Branch Thanked.

Pennywhistle Poked Out Branch's Hair.
"Oi Yesh.....What Happend?"

"We Got High Off Of Jazz Music"
Branch Replied.

Pennywhistle Went Back In His Hair.

"At Least It Didn't Kill Us! We're All Okay!"
Biggie Hugged Dinkles.

Poppy And Branch Gave Each Other Concerned Looks.

Poppy Turned Branch Around.

"Branch, I'm Starting To Feel.....Cautious"
Poppy Said.

"It's About Time"
Branch Rolled His Eyes.

"No Seriously, If These Other Trolls Keep Attacking Us.....What Can We Do To Finish Our Quest?"
Poppy Said.

Branch Said.

"She's Right, If We Gon' Keep Up With This Quest, We Can't Have These Trolls Be Always Tranquilizin' And Hootin' And Hollerin' At Us Like A Scorpion Without Orange Juice"
Hickory Said.

Branch Blinks.

"Branch.....Maybe We Shouldn't Do This"
Poppy Said.

Branch Sighed.
"Yeah Maybe We-"

Biggie Heard Them.

Mr. Dinkles Was Shocked Too.

"Yeah Biggie?"
Poppy Said.

"What?! Don't yeah biggie Me! You're......."
Biggie Said.

Poppy Rasied Her Eyebrow.

"........Not Obeying The Pinkie Promise!!!!! 😱😱😱"
Biggie Gasped.

Poppy's Eyes Widen.
"Oh No...."

"Oh Gosh 🤦‍♂️..."
Branch Facepalmed.

Poppy Started Feeling Bad.
"B-Biggie I..."

"No! You Said That We Should Turn Back. But If We Turn Back....Barb Is Gonna Destroy Our Music! And You Pinkie Promised To Protect Us!"
Biggie Said.

"I Know! But Maybe It's Going Too Far Now!"
Poppy Said.

Biggie Double Gasped.

Poppy Immediately Covered Her Mouth.

Biggie Pointed.

Poppy Said.

"Poppy! I Can't Believe You! You're Pulling Some Critter Crap!"
Biggie Shouted.

Poppy Gasps.
":O! Biggie!"

"I Apologize For My Potty Mouth, But You Went Back On The Pinkie Promise...."
Biggie Turned Away.

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