Thirty Two

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Skylar's POV

I couldn't possibly comprehend how in the absolute fuck did I fall asleep being chained inside that dark cellar. Or at least for the first few minutes right after I was abruptly woken up, I couldn't understand how.

How could I close my eyes even for a second in here?

I was soon broken out of my thoughts when I heard, more than saw, the metal bars creaking as they were opened. And there was someone--a dark figure looming just a few feet away from me.

Someone was here to save me, was the first thought I had, followed by this sudden rush of hope and relief--which was extinguished just as quickly when I heard a grunt and saw the person, the man, heading towards the other corner of the cellar where Rena was.

"What...What are you doing?" I found my voice, raising it in panic as I saw another man standing outside on the other side of the bars, watching, while the first one started to drag Rena out.

And oh god, she was unconscious. Why was she unconscious? And why was her head lolling to her side like that?

"What did you do to her?" I yelled, lurching forward only to be pulled back harshly by the cloth around my neck.

My sudden outburst also earned me a swift kick in the shin as the burly man dragged Rena out.

"Where..." I tried not to hyperventilate, which wasn't really working as my wide eyes darted from one spot to another. "Where are you taking her?"

"Orders to take her out." The man who was standing outside grumbled. I couldn't see his face in the dark, and I probably wouldn't have had anyway even if there had been any light in here. Not when I had a feeling he had a mask on. How did these men know where to go without any source of light?

And then I was pulled back to the man's words. Take her out? I thought as sickening horror filled me up. Kill her?

"No." I shook my head frantically, fingers tugging at the cloth around my neck, feeling it scraping sharply around the skin there until it tore--fell--and wasn't around my throat any longer. I lurched forward once again and tried to stop the man who was carrying Rena like a lifeless object. "No, you're not taking her anywhere! Let her--"

The man hissed and practically threw Rena outside the cell before rounding up on me. "Oh, you've been testing my patience from the very start, you bitch." He growled out, shoving me off with a force so rough that everything seemed to swim around me, even amidst the pitch darkness, when my head banged against the uneven dirty ground.

"I'll take care of her and make sure she doesn't speak any more than she's told to." He was saying. Not to me, a tiny part of my brain registered, but to the other man who stood outside. They were Felix's men, weren't they? "You take that one out to the boss."

They were taking Rena away to Felix, and I was terrified. Trying to sit up on shaky limbs, I didn't get to go any farther when the man came on me once again, grabbing the back of my head by my hair as a sound left my lips--a painful mix between a loud wince and a whimper. The sickening terror was nothing like I'd ever experienced when he shoved me down, and maybe I would've screamed if my face hadn't been pushed right into the ground, his other hand twisting my arm behind my back. I couldn't help but cry out in pain.

I vaguely remembered thinking I'd hit my nose because it smelled like blood. It smelled like blood and dirt and something stale. My head and my heart pounded as I struggled, screams muffled into the hard ground, and I couldn't move. "N-No, get off me! Get off...please!"

"Not so easily." He grunted when I somehow managed to dig my elbow somewhere near his face, which only hurt more since he twisted my arm, even more, keeping it in place by his knee. I screamed into the floor and felt hot, desperate tears trickling past my chin and down my nose. And god, it hurt. Everywhere he was touching me hurt and I couldn't move at all. "Remember the time you fucking stabbed me in the arm? Wanna know what that feels like? Wanna know what pain really is, girl? By the time I'm done with you," he hissed into my ear and I whimpered when he lifted my head just a little by gripping my hair. More tears blurred my vision when I saw what he was showing me. A small, silver blade before my eyes. I scrunched my eyes close and started to struggle even more, desperate pleas slipping past my lips as I tried to get out of his hold. I didn't know how I would manage that but I knew I had to. Get out. Get out. Get out.

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