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My eyes watched civilization disappear out of the back window. My sister and mother's silhouettes no longer visible. I did a very bad thing, the wrong thing, but for the right reasons. If these wolves found out I wasn't Skylee they would kill me and them. We would be slaughtered, like the sheep they think we are. But I couldn't let my sister die, I couldn't let her be their victim.

Slowly, the smooth pavement roads turned into bumpy gravel. The city plains shifting into dense trees. I've never been this far, the beasts patrolled these lands, stopping all who tried to enter. The driver stayed quiet, scowling at me from the rear-view mirror every time I met his gaze. Their beasts don't like to feel challenged, but I couldn't help my stare. I began to fiddle with my graduation necklace trying to calm my nerves.

It was such a thin, fine chain, easily broken if I wasn't careful. However, my hands needed to feel occupied. I'm sure the wolf up front would chew my head off if I picked the leather from these seats. It's a nervous habit, I just couldn't shake.

Miles from town, the car wound through the mountains path leading to a large clearing. At first glance I saw a pond off to the side, and a few buildings next to a pasture filled with cattle, lambs, and pigs. There was only one large structure that looked like an old stone European building. I wouldn't say it looked like a mansion, but it was large enough to seem like a small castle. Each window had its own style of decorations, from planters' boxes, to medal art and even stained glass. It was beautiful to say the least, but it also gave off a Bram Stoker Dracula vibe.

Please don't let Dracula lie behind that door.

The driver pulled the car up to the front entrance, stopping abruptly, causing my body to jolted forward. In the rush of overwhelming emotions from earlier, I had forgotten to put my seatbelt on. My hand reached out pushing on the back of his seat, slightly jostling his shoulder. The silence in the car disappeared with a low growl from the back of his throat. Snapping my hand back to my side he opened his door and I followed his action.

Noticing the trunk wasn't popped, I watched him walk away. Two-seconds later a small girl, shorter than me by a few inches, addressed me.

"Don't stare." She hissed, pushing me along.

She was wearing the same dress I was wearing except a different color. Nude, almost matching her skin, a few shades lighter. She was wearing black flats and her hair was perfectly tied in a ballet bun on her head. An all-natural look about her, just like the look she was giving me now.

"My name is Jillian, I'm here to escort you to the alpha." She stated, grabbing my elbow rather firmly to make sure I wouldn't run.

"My na-," I was trying to be friendly when she snapped in a harsh whisper.

"Don't talk unless given permission." She scolded, pushing me again. When I noticed one more girl walking behind us, holding my bag. "Keep your head down." She was so harsh, with a mean attitude. "Do as you're told." She finally added, reaching a door on the first floor. "Keep your head down", she informed nastiness in her tone.

Indulging in her words, I tilted my head to the ground keeping my eyes on the floor in front of me. Followed behind in her footsteps, I admired the wooden floor beneath our feet. We approached a large wide wooden door and Jillian wasted no time in asking for entrance. With a knock, a deep, sultry voice rumbled on the other side. "Come in."

Jillian opened the door pulling me beside her, the girl behind us walked past. This Jillian girl was quite pushy and rude and already on a bad note with me. She shuffled her feet, hesitating each step she took as if timid around this Alpha. My eyes followed her steps, until I glanced up and they landed on him.

Gifted to the Alpha (SAMPLE) AmazonWhere stories live. Discover now