22: The Clueless Husband

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-He tries to retrace his tears and replace them with her smiles-

Waking up with a stressful burden weighing down on his heart, Demir sat up and tiredly pulled on the locks of his messed-up hair. His heart was hurting...soul burning around the bitterness of all that had happened last night. It didn't feel good sleeping without solving issues with his dearest girl. The guilt of being unnecessarily harsh was chewing on his soul. 

Feeling exhausted, he then rubbed his temples to soothe away the torturous pounding in his head and pressed cold palms against his eyes to calm the huge eyebags formed because of a restless night. Emotions caught up with him, again. There were other ways he could have handled the situation; he could have talked it out,  yelled at her for betraying him like that or simpled asked her to explain, yet he didn't. Now the look on her face lying on the floor while he stood towering over her was replaying in his mind...irritating him.

With the morning sensation taking the haziness of the night away and clearing his mind, he knew that he had overreacted. There was simply a lot to discuss, many misunderstandings to clear. The suddenness of Maya's betrayal didn't seem so piercing anymore, and instead, the agony of hurting her was making him feel uneasy. He had to make it right. He had to make her understand.

Knowing that she would be in the kitchen at this hour, he then quickly washed his face and skipped down the stairs. The thought of making amends was already bringing a fresh glow on his face. Seeing her face...meeting her gaze...would make everything better. 

His emotions had already given him such a big relief when he had instantly felt no sparks at the sight of his first wife...realized that all of his built-up obsession with Meeran was just an infatuation, so completely ridden by guilt, circumstantial and mind's desperate way of finding love, and now he was ready to start a 'fresh, new and painless' chapter with Maya. No more secrets and hidden waves of frustration and anger. 

Demir had got all the closures he wanted. 

Anxious, he quickly headed inside the main kitchen. The house staff would usually show up around 11 am, so he didn't bother calling Maya out of the kitchen. Stepping inside, his brows furrowed at the sensation of ice-coldness lingering in the corners of the kitchen. The untouched kitchen...the switched off lights...they shoved a strange weight on his heart. 

Where was Maya? 

Was she hiding away in some corner of this house, still hurting over all that happened last night? 

He couldn't have that. 

Stressed, Demir began calling out to his little wife with urgency and eagerly searching for her. An unknown sensation was easing inside his heart...a strange dread making him feel uncomfortable and impatient. 

Where was she?

Consumed by the strange emotion, he looked for her in the main library, guest rooms, gym area, but she was nowhere to be found. He felt so miserable knowing that she was probably crying in some corner...hurting over the wounds he had inflicted. He desperately wanted to soothe her heart. 

Heading out to the main gardens, he began anxiously searching to her while constantly running one hand through his thick locks. Panic was settling in. He had to find her now. He had to see her right this very moment.

Frantically gazing around while feeling his feet pick up anxious speed, he had just reached the grounds near the main gate when his guard called out to him.

"Sir, are you looking for Madam?" he asked. 

Demir stilled for a second, nodded cautiously, not really approving his guard talking about his wife. That man had no business talking about his wife. "Yes."

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