Chapter 21

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"Good morning baby." He leaned over kissing her.
"Good morning to you. You slept in late."
"Did I?" She looked at the time to see that it was ten fifteen.
"Wow." She sat up.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes why do you ask?"
"I don't know." He said with a hunch of his shoulders. "You always seem tired."
"I don't know." She hunched her shoulders this time. Acting as if she had no idea what he was talking about. But if he only knew that she was carrying his child. "But I feel fine baby." She wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I do have to tell you something but later."
"Why can't you tell me now?"
"Because I want to wait until later."
"Okay." He easily accepted. "Do you have any plans for today?"
"Nope." She kissed him before he could finish what he wanted to say. He groaned once she took his bottom lip into her mouth. "What time do you have to work?"
"I don't work today." He loved that she was this sexual with him. She shied away from nothing.
"Mmmm maybe we can spend the whole day in bed."
"I really wish that I could but I do have plans today." She playfully pouted. "I was thinking..." He continued. "Maybe today is the time to meet my family." Her eyes lit up from that.
"Yes really."
"I would love to."
"I'm nervous." Tim paused before getting out the car.
"Elise Watson is nervous?"
"They're not just any people. They're your family. I want them to like me. That's important to me."
"They'll like you don't worry. Besides you met my mother before already remember?"
"Yeah but that was once and like three years ago."
"You made a great impression on her. She liked you."
"Yeah three years ago." She said his words not fading away her nervous vibe. "Do she even know that it's me you're dating?" The look he gave her told her that she had no idea who she was.
"Timothy you're killing me."
"Don't worry Elise it's not that bad."
"How is it not? Your family has no idea who you're dating let alone know that you are engaged. Timothy..."
"Relax..." He smiled. "She'll love you."
"We did this backwards you know that right?"
"How so?"
"I was supposed to meet your family before we got engaged."
"I'm marrying you not them."
"In a way they are marrying me also. Once we make this official they'll be considered my family also."
"You have a point there but let me ask you this. Will their opinion of you determine our future." She smiled.
"No it wouldn't."
"Then what are you worried about?"
"I just want them to like me."
"They will. Just be yourself."
"Myself will be too overwhelming for them." She said and he laughed. Maybe she was right about that but he didn't want to make her even more nervous than she already was.
"They'll love you. Trust me."
"I trust you baby." She said. She had no idea how much that meant to him especially with how easily she said it.
He lead the way to where he heard the most noise. His mother was in the kitchen. The music was loud but not too loud.
"Mom." Tim said as he entered the kitchen.
"Hey baby." She said before she even turned around. Her face lit up once she did and seen Elise standing there also.
"Mom I want you to meet Elise..."
"I know who Elise is." She said swatting him away. She went and gave her a nice bear hug. It reminded her of Barbaras hugs. "You two have some work to do or something?"
"No she's here with me." Tim said.
"You know this man has the biggest crush on you." Tabitha said winking at her son as she went back at the task at hand. He loved his mother dearly but she knew how to embarrass him and with no shame.
"Is that so?" Elise smiled as she looked over at Tim who was shaking his head.
"Yes I kept telling him to ask you out but he was too chicken to."
"I was not mom. Besides I asked her out and more than once might I add."
"You did tell me that didn't you?"
"Yes mom." She then gave her attention to Elise who bit her lip to keep from laughing. She only hoped to be this entertaining when she got older.
"You should go out with my son. He is a great man and no I'm not just saying that because he's my son. I raised him right. Just give him a chance you'll see."
"I did give him a chance and I do have to agree with you when you say he is a great man. That's why I'm so deeply in love with him." Tabitha froze at Elise's words and Elise laughed at the look on her face. It was priceless and adorable.
"You two are dating?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Since when?"
"A few months now."
"This is the woman you're dating?" She asked her son.
"Yes mom. Me and Elise are dating." She beamed then. Going to her son she kissed him on the cheek. She said something to him in spanish and he laughed. Elise didn't know that he was spanish. He looked full black if you asked her.
"My son is a very lucky man." She said to Elise.
"Well thank you." Elise said flattered.
"I thought she was the lucky one." Tim said.
"Nope no." She pointed to her son. "You are the lucky one."
"I thought you loved me mom." He said pretending to be hurt.
"I do love you love. Very much...but the truth is the truth." She said and Elise laughed that laugh that he loved so much.
"I'm glad you find this amusing."
"No I don't." She said covering her mouth with her hand trying to suppress her smile.
"I see everyone is outside." Tim said changing the subject. Elise laughter alone was driving him crazy. How could he want her so badly? He watched as his mother made her way outside and he gave his attention back to Elise. She was already watching him.
"What are you thinking about?" She asked.
"You as always."
"Yeah?" He watched as she began making her way toward him.
"What about?"
"How much I love you."
"I love you to baby." She reached up gently tugging his ears. She leaned up kissing him. It was a slow sensual kiss. A kiss so tender that it tugged at his heart.
"Are you hungry?" Tim asked Elise as they sat on the table out in the backyard. She loved his family. Everyone was so sweet.
"No thank you." She said as she looked at all the food on the table. It all looked so good but the little one that was now inside her wasn't having it.
She had decided to tell him about the baby once they were back at his place. She prayed that he would be truly happy because God knows she was. As the day went on she continued to decline any food.
"Young lady. Either you're trying to tell me that my food is nasty or you're sick." Tabitha said.
"Or pregnant..." Tara said as she ate." They all looked at her in silence and she looked down at her hands sheepishly. Tim looked down at her but she wouldn't look up at him.
"Elise..." finally looking up at him she smiled shyly at him.
"You're pregnant?" She gave a slight nod and he turned fully to face her. "You're pregnant?" He asked again.
"Yes." She nervously looked down at her hands honestly afraid of his reaction. "Are you okay with that?"
"Are you serious?" He sounded upset. She had yet to look up at him. "Elise..." he waited for her to look up and once she did he said. "We talked about this. If you were to get pregnant that would change nothing."
"We also agreed to wait at least a year before we decided to have kids."
"Well let me ask you this... do you want this baby?"
"The thought of being pregnant...the thought of being a mother is the best feeling for me. I've never been so happy."
"If you're happy then I'm ecstatic."
"Yes." He chuckled. "Come here." Leaning into her he kissed her. "I love you and we're in this together forever you hear me?" She nodded her head leaning in and kissing him again.
"I haven't seen true love like that in a long time." His mother said a smile on her face.
"You want a boy or girl?" Tim's sister asked.
"I just want a healthy baby." She said as she touched her stomach. No one knew how truly happy she was. She would now be able to start her generation. She will have a history now. She couldn't be anymore happier.
"You know twins run in the family right?" Tara said and Elise beamed. "I heard." She touched her stomach again.
"You wouldn't mind twins?"
"Of course not. Maybe triplets if possible." She could hear Tim cough.
"Hola Amores." Elsie looked to find a very handsome man coming there way. He was older but carried himself very well. With just giving him a quick look she knew that he was Tim's father.
"Pop." Tim stood giving his father a bear hug. He spoke to him in spanish and he then introduced Elise.
He stared at her as if he knew her but quickly recovered shaking her hand.
"Your name sound so familiar to me." He said but quickly brushed it off going over to his wife kissing her.
"Where is Sean?" Tabitha asked her husband.
"You know he had to go show his friend his new toy." Miguel said with a chuckle.
"My mother and pop adopted Sean three years ago." Tim explained.
"He is an angel from heaven." Tabitha said with such passion.
"Elise works at a foster home." Tim said.
"Really that's great." Tabitha beamed.
"Yes I love kids. Love them..." Love them so much that she risked her life for them. Tim thought to himself. Thinking of her disappearing act.
"How long have you worked at the foster home?" Miguel asked.
"I actually own it..."
"Really...?" Miguel was impressed. "I opened it five years ago now."
"That's great. I'm a huge supporter of foster homes. I was adopted. My family raised me from a baby. I was one of the lucky ones. I'm forever grateful for my family."
"That's great." Elise said meaning it. "I was adopted also."
"Is this why you opened up a foster home?"
"That's part of the reasons why yes." "How old were you when you were adopted?"
"Wow really? Where are you originally from?"
"Well I been in America since i was two or three but I was born in Haiti."
"Really? Sean is from Haiti also." Miguel said happy about that.
"Elli...?" They all looked at Sean as he stood just a few feet away holding a toy. He looked as if he seen a ghost. Elise mouth dropped open when she looked behind her spotting the boy they called Sean but to her his name was Monti.
"Monti?" Tears sprang to his eyes when he seen that it was truly her. She couldn't get up fast enough. He dropped his toy and rushed to her. They hugged each other tight tears falling down both their faces.
Everyone just watched the whole encounter. Tabitha and Sam were both in tears with just watching the encounter. They watched as Elise knelt down touching his face and speaking to him in a different language. He nodded his head and hugged her tight again.
"I take it you two know each other." Tim said with a wide smile on his face. Standing to her full height she wiped her tear drenched eyes and nodded her head.
"I've been looking all over for this guy. I've been looking all over for you. Where did you go?"
"Wait what do you mean you've been looking all over for him?" Tabitha asked.
"He ran away from the orphanage that he was placed in." She said as she gave him a stern look. "Why did you run away?"
"I was scared." Tears began forming in his eyes again.
"I didn't want to go back. I hate that place Ellie."
"I know baby but I promised that you didn't have to go back didn't I?"
"I know. But you didn't come back. You promised and you didn't."
"I did. You had already left when I came to get you."
"You said thursday Ellie. I waited until thursday."
"I did promise Thursday but it was only wednesday." She said with a slight chuckle. "You impatient guy." She hugged him tight again.
"I'm sorry Ellie."
"Don't cry baby. It seems you found yourself a good home. How did you do it?"
"I just did what you said you did Ellie."
"What do you mean?"
"You said you found you a home and so I tried to find me a home. I don't want to stay in that foster home with those people.
Do you know how dangerous that was? Do you know that someone could have harmed you? Do you know how crazy I went looking for you all this time?
"I'm so sorry Elie. Do you hate me?"
"No baby I don't hate you. Never think that. You found a good home and for that I'm happy. That means that since Tims mother and father adopted you, you are Tims brother." She said and he beamed.
"Yes. He calls me his little brother all the time."
"That's good baby. You know what else this means?"
"What?" He asked confused.
"You're going to be an uncle."
"I am?"
"Yes. Me and Tim are going to be parents."
"Really?" She nodded her head. "Does that mean you're my sister?"
"If you would like for me to be."
"I would. I really would." He hugged her again just as Tim was coming up.
"Little bro dad wants you in the living room." He ran off and she willingly walked into Tims arms. "You're not crying are you?" He asked already knowing the answer.
"No." She lied.
"Are you ready to go?" She nodded her head. He leaned down and kissed her and she willingly opened up to him. "You make me the happiest man in the world." He said and she beamed. He had no idea how much those words meant to her. She felt it. He was so in love with her and she knew he was the one for her one hundred percent. He was the man she wanted and needed in her life. All this time spent chasing a man who didn't want her when all the while the man who wanted her was there in her face also. She was a lucky woman and she would do everything in her power to keep her future husband happy.
Elise sat up in bed as she watched Tim get ready for work. A smile crept on her face as she remembered all the times this man asked her out and she turned him down every time beside that one time at the fair and she was so glad she said yes.
"What are you smiling at?" He asked snapping her out of her thoughts.
"You owe me a rematch." She said and he looked at her confused.
"What rematch?"
"That basketball game you kicked my ass in." He laughed remembering that game.
"You don't want none of this."
"Is that a challenge?"
"Yes it is."
"Bet. You not gone win this time."
"We'll see."
"Remember what you said that day?"
"Yes I remember. Do you remember what you said?"
"Yes I remember."
"You told me that I would have a chance with you if John was out of the picture."
"Yes I did."
"Good thing I didn't have to kill him." He said and she laughed. "What will we be beating on this time?"
"I don't know. What do you have in mind?"
"No cash though. I don't want to have to take your money. You're my fiance now."
"Ha ha funny. How about..." She thought for a second. "Oh how bout a new sexual position."
"What?" He said laughing although he was interested in what she had to say.
"I mean you were my first right? So a new sexual position everyday for a week if I lose."
"And if you win?"
"You cook dinner for me everyday for a week. Whatever I want."
"Bet." He said without hesitation. "I'm definitely not letting up." She laughed.
Truth was she would do any position he wanted even without the bet. He was her love and she wanted to please him. She wanted to learn every sexual position he knew and then learn others together. She just decided to make it interesting.

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