Broken promises

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That summed up the life of young Lincoln Loud. 11 years of false love to be betrayed later, stabbed in the back without mercy. Knowing that he would do nothing to avoid it because he loved them.

"What is love?" - That wondered the albino while lying in the courtyard of the house Loud, full of 

bumps and bruises.

But he would not bear this anymore, no more blows and insults. I was tired.

"I thought I knew it. I thought that everything I had done was enough to be loved. I thought our promises would be kept." - At this point the boy was walking hard towards the garden doors, already at the door, he decided to open it.

"Maybe they didn't break the promises, maybe they just lied, but what would they win with 

that?" - I keep walking, I was getting farther and farther. Every time he saw that his executioners were further away.

"Now I could denounce them and be happy again ..." - He told himself- "But what if they 

reconsider? What if this is really my fault?" -

The head of the white-haired was chaos. On the one hand, he wanted to denounce them and 

send them to hell, and on the other he wanted them to reconsider and realize the damage they did to him.

From thinking so much he had not realized that he was walking through a street. I walked without looking back, no more.

Little by little he managed to see a light approaching. He didn't know what it was, but he didn't care, he just kept walking. He really didn't pay much attention to what was going on around him, he was very tired, his sisters forced him to go from one place to another all day, not to mention that he had discovered that he was adopted since when he helped Lucy with her poems He saw a box that said "Lincoln" so out of curiosity he decided to open it. In this way, he discovered that he was adopted, and despite that, he still loved them and refused to denounce them. He had betrayed himself, his feelings stabbed him.

"Will I continue with this?" -

The light was close, too close, but for some reason, I stopped and after that, everything turned black.

Lincoln's dream

The boy woke up in his bed and his room, very agitated by the "Dream" he had had.

He walked and left his room, to see his sisters lining up for the bathroom.

Hi-Link! - They shouted in unison

Hello girls! - I scream with a big smile

I couldn't believe it, everything had been a nightmare, just that. A disgusting nightmare from 

which I could finally wake up.

They won't believe the nightmare I had! -

What squirrel nightmare? - Luna asked

What- What did you say, Luna? - He asked

She asked what a bad luck nightmare! - Lynn replied to the albino while her voice distorted.

Gradually the entire second floor collapsed, giving way to your patio. Lincoln looked at his 

sisters and saw everyone laughing at him while he was bleeding on the floor.

Hahaha, idiot! - Laughing Lori- I think I'll publish it-

Do you want squirrel nuts? Well, I think you're not LUCKY! Do you understand? Hahaha- Luan's laugh sounded demonic, and as he laughed he threw rotten tomatoes at Lincoln

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