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Dedicated to: KateeSmurfette


"Xander, you can't sit here and tell us that this doesn't look the least bit suspicious to you" Mordecai told me.

"I'm pretty sure I know my own girlfriend, and I highly doubt she would shoot herself just to prove a point, or whatever the fuck you think she did it for." I replied.

"This memory thing she has going on doesn't sit well with me. It's shaddy if we are being honest." Nadia commented.

"You're just mad that Xander isn't interested in you anymore." Aziel told her. I inwardly laughed at the look on her face.

"Ok, so maybe we need to look at this from a non biased view. She showed up shot, she can't remember anything and her recent activities are questionable. That doesn't necessarily mean that she's guilty of all these crimes." Nigel pointed out.

Are we all forgetting the glorified fact that Xander taught her how to fight, and it only took her a day to learn everything? The girl is dangerous and you're all being blind." Nadia said in frustration.

I shrugged, "She's a fast learner. I don't get what are you so worked up about."

"What is it about this girl that makes everyone doubt that she could possibly be a murderer?" She asked.

"Have you even met her? Because you seriously sound bitter more than anything." Malachi told her.

"I don't need to meet her. I know enough." She snapped.

I got off of the table I was leaning on. "Look Nadia, you are honestly picking at straws, and it's clear that you don't like Noelle much, but I would highly suggest you stop accusing her of all these shit because she's innocent and you're starting to piss me off."

"She's guilty and I'll prove it." She said determinedly.

I was about to say something when the doors to the operation room flung open, revealing Margaux, "Alright, listen up. You have a new mission."

"Finally! What is it?" Aziel asked.

She smirked slowly," It's simple really. Forget everything you thought you knew about Noelle Solano."

Fuck my life.

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