Chapter 8

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"You're going to need more clothes", Adrian says to me one day over breakfast. I've been fitting into the pack pretty great but I have been running out of clean clothes which forces me to wear his shirts. I secretly love smelling like him but I know I need to get my own stuff eventually.

"I can go out shopping today. Where's the nearest mall?"

"I can take you", he replies.

"Don't you have super important Alpha duties?", I tease him

"Yes, and one of them is to protect my clothes from you", he playfully teases me back.

A few hours later we get ready to head to the mall. Adrian invited his beta Grayson and his mate Lexi to join us.

I haven't had a chance to bond with Lexi very much so I was glad she was coming. Lexi and I dashed to many stores and started our shopping spree while leaving the boys to wonder.

After many shopping bags later, we decided to slow down and look for the boys.

"Hey Lexi, has Adrian been searching for his mate", I felt very nervous about asking this but I figured this would be the best time to do so.

"He used to but his search kind of slowed down sometime last year. No one really asks him about it anymore"

I nod my head in understanding and decided not to push it anymore. I figured Lexi already knew about my rejected mate situation since she never asked me.

We finally find Adrian and Grayson walking around looking lost.

"Anyone hungry?", I ask which Adrian eagerly agreed to. Grayson and Lexi said they have to leave since they had dinner plans with Grayson's parents who live nearby.

I suggested to eat at the pack house since Grayson and Lexi left us but Adrian insisted on staying in town. He picked a nice Italian restaurant which was owned by one of his pack members so we were able to be seated right away. 

"So how do you like your new pack" Adrian asks me once we were seated and ordered drinks.

"I have to say it's one of the bests I've been to" I replied which made him smile.

"So I was thinking since I don't have the strength to be a warrior that I could help manage the orphanage."

Adrian gives me a curious look which I figure he would.  Usually the orphanages are managed by women that have lost their mates in battle and it was also the role of the Luna to help take care of the kids of the pack.

"I think that would be good but I would still like to train with you"

"Really?" I reply shocked.

"Yes, Rylee. I think you are very talented even without your full strength", Adrian says with another smile. I look down and take a sip of my drink trying to control the blush on my face. 

After finishing two cocktails I start to realize that I am feeling kind of drunk. Usually werewolves need a lot more to drink.

"Uh do you feel funny" I ask Adrian and then start to giggle. 

"I feel fine but I think the alcohol is getting to you" he says with a concerned face.

"You're cute" I blurt out and then feel my face turn red

"Uh no I didn't mean that" I say while keeping my face low and trying to control the dizziness in my head.

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