Chapter Twenty-Seven: Micah

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There was only a week left of the honeymoon and I was dreading the thought of my father returning. Kas and I hung out at her house more often because the boys had started to really irritate me. They hadn't stopped asking me about eating. Have you eaten? What did you eat? How much did you eat?

I knew they were only doing it because they cared, but they needed to back off a little bit.

But, instead of confronting them and asking them to stop asking me about food so much, I just ran to Kas's house. She gladly took me in. She said that she felt better than ever. Her father hadn't had the chance to lay a hand on her.

I could relate. Too bad the peace wouldn't last.

Kas and I were in her room, watching something called 'Beauty and the Beast'. It was another Disney Princess movie. The boys, once finding out I'd never seen a Disney movie (other than my namesake) flipped out. And then we had a movie marathon. I liked this one the most.

A girl with troubles having to keep it all inside her. Feeling like she never fit in. And a very strong passion for books.

"Kas, do you think I'm too skinny?" I asked. I didn't think there was anything really wrong with my weight. I'd been like that for years. I wasn't exactly suffering from hunger.

"I think you are way too skinny. I think it's also natural for you to not know what a normal weight is." She said with a sigh. I didn't mean to depress her, but I had to ask. I laid my head down on her bed. We finished the movie. Neither of us moved.

"Kas, what are you thinking about?" I asked quietly. She looked so deep in thought. She had looked that way for the past fifteen minutes. She jerked her head up and stared at me, before relaxing. I had obviously interrupted something going on inside her head.

"Oh, nothing. Just... What am I going to do when Break is over? I mean, it's not like I can start living at your house. Lila would start getting suspicious." Kas asked, sounding pained at the thought of her father coming home and me not around to protect her. I put my arm around her shoulders.

"We'll figure it out. I promise." I shouldn't have promised. I had no idea how we were going to protect Kas, how I was going to protect myself. I had no clue what to do. And I had just promised to make everything better. Ugh, I could be such an idiot sometimes.

Kas slumped into me, relief flowing freely through her veins. I could see that from her relaxed and peaceful expression. I shook her a little. She was sleeping! How does someone just fall asleep like that?

I rolled my eyes with a tiny smile. I envied her. I rarely slept. Nightmares kept me up most nights, and the exhaustion was starting to weigh on me. Not that I would ever tell anyone about it. I felt my stomach rumble. I smirked with a funny idea.

I quickly rushed to kitchen, fixed myself a sandwich, and took a picture of it to send to my brothers. They would be so happy. I sent it and waited for a reaction. I was halfway through my sandwich when they started sending their praises.

Sometimes it felt nice to be praised for such a small thing. Eating, for example. I cleaned up my mess, but felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched in shock and dropped the plate, shattering it in the sink.

"Mr. Micah, are you alright?" I asked softly once I saw who it was. The guy looked like he had been hitting the happy juice since noon. A snarl formed on his lips when I spoke. My eyes widened. I knew what was about to happen.

"You... You're keeping me from her. Did the little slut tell... Tell you what I'm doing to her?" He asking, hiccuping every now and again. My throat closed up. After all this time pain free, I didn't want to hurt and be sore and have a pounding pain that throbbed dully every time I moved. I didn't want that.

"Doing what to her? Mr. Micah, I think it's best if you go lay down." I whispered quickly, backing away. He followed, his footsteps faltering on my last words. He looked me up and down, then got a crazy look in his eyes.

"Lay down? Lay down? I got more sense than that, girl." Micah said with a snarl. He took the top off of a bottle of vodka and took a big gulp of it. I had never had anything to drink, but Ethan had once described what shooting vodka felt like. I couldn't imagine how someone just drank it out of the bottle.

Unless he was completely wasted.

"Mr. Micah, I don't think you know what you're doing." I warned him. My hands were held up in a way so that I could pop them up to my face to protect myself in case he got violent. I was pretty sure that was what was going to happen.

He chuckled darkly.

"I think I know exactly what I'm doing. Scare you off. Get Kasey all to myself." He mumbled. I was barely able to understand what he was saying. It was a wonder the man had managed to stay on his feet.

Then, without warning, his fist swung out and caught me on the underside of my chin. I collapsed to the floor in a heap. A dull throbbing came from the back of my head, where it had slammed against the tile floor. Micah's foot landed in my gut, making me curl up into a ball with a gasping heave. He continued to kick me, not caring where his foot landed.

I was throwing up by the time he finished kicking me.

He stepped on my throat, constricting my airways. I gripped his ankle, moved his pants leg up a little, and dug my nails right into the fleshy part of his ankle. He let out a pained yelp before stepping off me.

I struggled to breathe in, the gasps leaving me feeling empty. I knew I needed to slow down my breathing, but it was nearly impossible.

Micah let out a roar before grabbing the sides of my head and beat my head into the tile. I could feel the cheap tile crack under the third impact. The one thing I saw before losing consciousness was Kas sprinting into the room, tackling her father, and then getting thrown into the dining table.

What was going to happen to us?

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