Chapter Sixty-Six

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A/N: This is the longest update I've written by like 1,000 words but I didn't want to cut it. Enjoy! And please read the author's note that comes after this chapter (as another chapter), it's got important information for this book and ones to follow it 😄

Jackson's obnoxious attitude never left, but I could tell he was relieved about the solution I'd come up with. He whined about the studying and the massive tests he'd have to deal with over the summer, but I could tell he was happy to know he'd be nowhere near New York or his mother for the next three months at least.

"So what, I take some big test at the end of the year and it determines if I'm gonna be held back a year?" he asked once I was done explaining. "And my teacher is an actual werewolf?"

"Yup, you got lucky. Professor Lupin's willing to stay and help you, so I'm sure you'll do well enough to pass, especially with that superior intelligence you talk about all the time."

Jackson rolled his eyes and at last stood up from the floor of the Astronomy tower.

"Alright, fine. What do I do until summer school starts? You said I had another week before then, right?"

"Hogwarts is still in session until the end of this week, yeah. Honestly, we'll get you a spare pair of robes and you can just hang out with my friends and I. They more or less know what's been going on, and if anybody else questions it we'll just say you've been here all year. After all the tests we took, I don't think anybody's going to care enough to press the issue."

Jackson nodded, but didn't say anything. I started to turn to lead him out of the Astronomy tower, but before I could he found his voice.

"Alexa... thank you." I turned, but Jackson wasn't looking at me. He was staring holes in the floor, but he kept going. "You really didn't have to help me, especially after the way I acted and who my mom is so... thank you."

I put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a soft smile. "Hey, I've got your back. We're friends and teammates now, so don't worry about it."

I gave him a second to let that sink in, then I gave him a light shove and started heading for the door again.

"Now let's get going, you're not gonna blend in anywhere with a bunch of twigs in your hair."


I got Jackson back to the Gryffindor Common Room unnoticed, and thankfully my friends were hanging out just inside. Angelina and Alicia had already explained everything to Lee and the twins, and we all worked together to smuggle Jackson past Percy and up the boys' staircase so he could change into an extra set of Lee's robes.

"So everything's going to work out then?" asked Angelina.

"Yup, everything's working out. Jackson's getting tutored here over the summer, and then hopefully he'll pass his O.W.L.s and get to join our year instead of coming in as a fifth year."

"I can't even image learning everything in just one summer," said Alicia, shaking her head.

"Yeah, honestly, me neither. But Jackson's kind of crazy, so I'm confident he can do it."

"What was that you just said about me Stark?" I turned to see Jackson strutting down the stairs in a new pair of Hogwarts robes, Fred, George, and Lee grinning as they came down behind him. I rolled my eyes.

"I called you crazy. Now come on, I've been itching to go enjoy the sun since all our tests started last week. Let's go jump in the lake!"

Fred, George, and Lee followed excitedly, and although Jackson tried to maintain his too-cool-for-school facade he still smiled as he followed the rest of us outside.

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