Asleep and Awake

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Asleep and Awake

'You are never truly asleep when you are asleeping. The mind is always going, whether it is thinking, or dreaming, it is still running. You must learn how to shut it off. You cannot use it in order to fight it and win. You must fight the fight you were given. Find the truth of it all. Don't let the truth make you stray from the path, though. Make this force you to work harder.
Signing Off, X'
Page 15 of, 'The Dark and Twisted Knight


"What do you want fro me now? All you need me for is to sell me to someone who is probably paying you a bunch of money! So what's the point, huh? To lie to me and make me believe your falsehood? Why not just tell me first hand?"

"You see, Casady, it is anything but that simple."

"Don't you dare give me that!"

"Give you what, the truth? I wanted you to see me for who I am-"

"A Murder? A Liar? A Cheat? You are all of these things so guess what? I can see you for who I am."

"I am sorry."

"No your not. Just save it and lets get this over with."

"Get what over with?"

"Selling me, that's what you were doing right?"

"No, that's not why I brought you back."

"Then why?"

"Because, Casady, you are the answer."

"To what?"


"Go fly a kite."

"Sorry, but I am telling the truth. Let me show you, think of chocolate and make it appear." As Sotonya finish her words, chocolate instantly appears all over her head. "Oh, so funny, here I am trying to help you, and this is how you repay me?"

"You call this helping me? Oh and I have nothing to owe you. So just go away, I am done talking to you."

"Fine, should I turn the lights off?"


Instantly, there is a click as the door shuts. The entire room emerges into complete darkness, it is so dark that Casady cannot even see her own hand, inches away from her face. She is in complete darkness, surrounded by nothingness. Sotonoya placed her in a solitary confinement cell. Sotonoya, with a large smile placed on her face, walks happily down the long hallway.

Casady tries use her powers to unlock the door, like she did the last time. But this time, it does not work. She tries to use her power in general and all attempts fail. Even while she sleep she has nightmares, not seeing things or talking to people. The only explanation is that this room is made of metal. Not just any type of metal, titanium.

Within a few minutes, Casady falls asleep decideing that there is nothing else she can do. While she sleeps, Sotonoya does just the oposite. She is sitting behind a large wooden desk, with a single stack of about thirty papers. Next to the stack is a telephone. Sotonoya is horridly writing something in a notebook. After a few minutes, the phone bursts to life, startling Sotonoya. She jumps up and glares at the phone.

"What?" She answers in a bitter tone.

"Sotonoya! Get your act together, you should know better than to address me like that!"

"Mr. President? My apologies, I had no idea that it was you calling."

"Do you have her?"

"Yes, I have her contained."

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