Chapter 3: Biological

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Still under the influence of the drugs, John murmured to himself "Stupid machine... I'm gonna kill it... I'm gonna make him eat his processor..." He looked around and saw the hall and two robots beside him. "You guys sure know how to decorate. I have an apartment on Earth, can I hire you guys to decorate my bathroom?" He said to one of the robots but got no answer. He heard a commotion in the back but couldn't turn around to see what the fuss was about. The drugs started to wear off and his mind got a bit clearer. He heard footsteps approaching and thought 'Finally, someone I could talk to.'

Five aliens walked in front of him and sat in the five chairs. They looked like human-shaped deer. They had deer horns, but smaller, elongated faces and black fingertips like hoofs. The biggest one sat in the middle chair. They all had a device on their left ear and the one in the middle chair, told something to one of the robots in the same gibberish language, giving him a similar device. The robot took the device and turned towards John, grabbed John's head ad put the device on his left ear. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You could have just asked me, you know." John said.

"What would be the point in asking when you wouldn't understand?" One of the deer aliens said.

John looked at the aliens sitting in the chairs and said. "You're not talking gibberish anymore. How?" John asked.

"First things first. I am Shundi, the ambassador of our planet." Shundi said. He was the biggest of them all and had the posture of someone important. He had brown fur, with a few gray hairs. He was dressed in a robe that was dark blue at the shoulders, decorated with an intricate silver pattern of different stylized animals running through the forest. The robe's color got lighter and at the bottom until it turned turquoise and depicted marine animals in silver stitched in silver thread. However, the robe was not the thing that made him look like the leader it was the scepter. It was taller than he was and made out of intertwined wooden branches that, at the top, ended looking like deer horns. At the top, in the middle of the horns, the scepter had leaves, flowers and the biggest sapphire John has ever seen. It was bigger than his hand.

"To my right is the defense minister Noxu and his assistant Zerzo." Shundi said and extended his right hand to the colleagues on his right. Noxu's fur was black and he was muscular, he had broad shoulders and a look that could squish an ant. Even his assistant looked afraid of him. He was probably the reason that John was up here on the ship for so long.

"To my left is the alien rights minister Saiyani and her assistant Tati." Shundi said and extended his left hand to the colleagues on his left. Saiyani was the only one that looked normal. She had a red dress laced with a white pattern on the edges, glasses and a small notebook on her lap. Her assistant Tati was so cute. The chair she was sitting in looked five times too big for her. She looked like a three month old puppy you just had to play with.

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm John." John said.

"We are sorry we had to keep you here for so long but we didn't know what you were and couldn't understand you. The device on our ears is a universal translator and it can translate over three thousand languages, but it couldn't translate yours." Shundi said.

"How couldn't it translate mine? We occupy fifty planets in the galaxy. It should have our language in the database." John said confused.

"Fifty planets? Are you sure? Because we have never seen any being like you before." Shundi said.

"Yeah, I'm sure. After we won the galactic war we freed the planets that were occupied and built our colonies there." John said.

"Hmmm... When our ship picked you up you were the only one." Shundi said. "With no other way to get information and to know more about you we had to make you talk so our universal translator could translate your words. You call yourself John, is that the name of your species?" Shundi asked.

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