*Apology and Update*

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So uh. Hi.

First off! Thank you to everyone who's still checking in on this and reading it and voting. It really makes me so happy, I love you guys c:

Second off -- sorry for literally disappearing for like a month and a half that wasn't very cash money of me (meme = internet points = less angry people reading this) T^T I mean I have no excuse aside from being burnt out and physically unable to write. It happens :c (more than it should fml, oh well). So yeah, I took a break and am feeling pretty much okay so that's nice (dw about me ^^). 

aNYWHO: you know what being okay means?? 


Yay finally some content -- I mean come on, I only have what? Like three fills? smh. 


what *clap* happens *clap* next? *rly loud clap*

1. PhilippinesxSaipan (tysm for being patient on that one, btw) (like ... tomorrow)
2. 2~3 'mystery' fills coming soon because you guys deserve updates (probably by the end of this weekend)
3. Fem!Saint-BarthelemyxFem!Bissagos Islands (ik there's an accent but I'm writing this on wattpad so spare me -- the fill will include accents ^^) (haven't started yet but I love fluff so it'll take about a week)

aLSO: editing will start very soon, I'll put the original post date and the edit date(s) at the top of each fill c:

AND (last but not least): I'm putting some serious thought into the books mentioned in the previous chapter, so idk ... I might start multi-tasking some unspecified time this season, get ready for more bad writing! ^^'

so ye! *waves pompoms* Thank you for sticking with me #^^# y'all are the best

Have a great day,

- ♡ Snow :DD 

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