Part 13

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At school, there wasn't the usual amount of students by the stairs. Everyone seemed to be moving slowly in the halls when I entered. Had everyone heard the news about Kenny? During the first two class periods, I couldn't focus on anything that was being taught. The Latinas and most of the black crowd didn't give me any attitude. They actually seemed to be giving me sympathetic, curious looks. Except for the Latinas who rolled with Bobby's crowd. I understood their hatred for me. Bobby hated Kenny. So if I was going out with Kenny, naturally Bobby's crew would hate me.

Other than that, my day was going decently. Until we reached third period, after recess. I had History. Which meant I had to see Derrick. And I knew he would hate me more if he knew that Kenny was locked up. That would just prove that Kenny really was guilty. Our class got a chance to go to the library again. I sat at the far side, unseen, by myself. I opened up a tab on the computer I was using and stared at it blankly, when I suddenly felt someone standing near me. I looked up, startled to see Derrick hovering over me. "So, you did the 100 words or what? I didn't see it typed when I went on our assignment on Google Docs. It's still not there."

I frowned. "Huh?" I focussed on the computer in front of me, going to the correct page and typing in my email. What was Derrick talking about?

He sighed impatiently. "Susan, did you not see-" He was interrupted.

"Everyone." Mr. Burchop clapped twice loudly. "May I have your undivided attention for a minute?" We all faced him. "I hope you all received the email I sent on Google Classrooms yesterday. I know it was a little bit on short notice, but I expected you guys to have at least two hundred words typed on your project for today. But, since you guys are working in partners, the amount of words was divided between all of you. So, go ahead and continue working, I'm gonna start comin' around to check your efforts." He started with a group far from where I was sitting.

My heartbeat sped up. "Oh my god. That." I had received his email the previous night. I just hadn't opened it. Oh no...

"Yeah. That," Derrick said. "Did you write it on paper and forget to type it?"

I shook my head nervously. "Uh, no..." I got into my email and opened up the document I shared with Derrick. His work was there, the rest of the page empty.

"Then, what?" He opened his arms questioningly. I hesitated, not able to look at him. "Did you not do it?"

"No, I just, um... well, I-"

Mr. Burchop showed up behind Derrick. He must have sensed trouble because he asked, "Everything okay here with you two? Can I check the assignment?" Derrick silently moved aside. Mr. Burchop leaned forward.

"Um..." I decided to stay silent.

Mr. Burchop frowned at both of us. "Is it complete?"

Derrick. "That's what I'm tryna figure out." He crossed his arms over his chest.

Mr. Burchop silently read what was on my computer screen. After a couple of seconds, he frowned up at me and Derrick. "What's written is a good start, but it's only half of what was required. Who wrote this part?"

Derrick. "Me."

Mr. Burchop looked at me. "Where's your half, Susan? Did you complete the assignment?"

I felt guilty, considering it was literally my first time not completing an assignment. I kept my eyes on the keyboard. "No," I admitted softly.

Derrick let out an exaggerated sigh and threw his hands up. Mr. Burchop looked at him, gesturing with his hands for him to calm down. His gaze then fixed on me. "H- how come?" He sounded confused.

When To Put Trust On The LineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang