Chapter 1. Dragon Race.

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Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

This... Is Berk. The best kept secret this side of, well, anywhere.

Granted, it may not look like much, but this wet heap of rock packs more than a few surprises.

A cluster of sheep hid nervously between buildings as shadows of passing dragons raced by.

The group moved as one, receding into a shadowed ally. Accidentally pushing one sheep into the light. It got snatched off the ground as soon as that happened.

Life here is amazing, just not for the faint of heart. See, where most folks enjoy hobbies like whittling or needlepoint, we Berkians prefer a little something we like to call...

A wash of vibrant colors blurred by. Dragons speed by. Their Riders swiped, kicked, and rolled into one another while they weave neck in neck between the houses, docks, and other structures of Berk.


"WHOOOO!!" Held his arm up in victory, his dragon, Meatlug, carrying the sheep in her claws.

Snotlout, on the dragon of his own, flew up into the dragon from under her, shoving into her, she dropped the sheep for Snotlout to catch it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Fishlegs! Did you want that?" Snotlout asked while smirking, gesturing to the sheep in his lap.

Fishlegs glared at the young adult, Meatlug sped up, but Hookfang spread his wings, pulling back in speed, "No, Snotlout! That was mine!"

"Here ya go, babe." With a grin, Snotlout tossed the sheep to Ruffnut. She caught it, "Did I tell you that you look amazing today? 'Cause you do." He flirted.

Ruffnut scoffed, "Ugh. Come on, Barf. It's starting to stink around here." She said disgusted, patting Barf's long neck.

The Zippleback head started spewing gas.

"Nope. She still hates you." Tuffnut mocked the Rider with a grin, "Let's blow this place, Belch!" Said dragon ignited the gas, sparking a large explosion, and leaving Snotlout behind in the smoke.

They rushed over the main bleachers, the rest of the Riders close behind.

Ruffnut dropped the sheep into one of the six baskets suspended high in the air. Each backboard had an image of one of the Riders' dragon.

"Ha-Ha! That's nine for the twins, Astrid lags with three, and Fishlegs and Snotlout trail with NONE!!" Stoick announced to the crowd.

He eyed the two far empty baskets, their backboards painted with an image of Night Furies. One of them painted purple.

"And Hiccup is... Nowhere to be found." He said, sitting down in his throne.

Gobber leaned onto the throne, "Scared him off with the big talk, didn't ya, Stoick?" He asked, noticing the Chief's worry, he tried to calm him, "He's probably with Y/n."

"What are you doing, Snotlout?!" Astrid Hofferson, the beauty of Berk, whacked Snotlout, "They're going to win now!"

"She's my princess! Whatever she wants, she gets!" Snotlout excused.

"Ruffnut?! Didn't she try to burry you alive?!"

"Only for a few hours!"

Dragons used to be a problem at Berk. But that was five years ago. Now, they're all moved in. And, really, why wouldn't they?

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