Chapter 2

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Several days had passed, and it felt like I was starting to get into the groove of things and enjoy my new job. I always seemed to be keeping busy.

My supervisor, Dan, had praised me a few times on the work that I'd completed, which made me beam with pride. After so many years of schooling, being able to finally start my career was a great feeling.

My best friend, Maddie, worked in a nearby building as a chemist, so we decided to meet up during our lunch break to eat together.

Maddie was one of my first friends that I made in college; instantly, she'd latched onto me because we lived on the same floor. My initial impression of her was that she was so pretty. She was tall with long, auburn hair and had a larger build. 

Even though we were different in many ways, she was one of the most genuine people that I'd ever met. It was amazing how well we'd clicked, and by some miracle, we ended up working in the same city. It was nice to have a familiar face nearby.

After we ordered and started eating our food, Maddie started asking questions. Instantly, she began prying for information. "Is he as hot in person?" 

I sighed. Maddie was talking about the CEO of my company, Jason Bennett. On my first day, I'd texted Maddie about my unfortunate encounter with him in the elevator. "Yeah, he's really attractive."

"My CEO is this old, ugly guy. I'm so jealous," Maddie said, taking a bite of her food.

"Don't be. He seems pretty cocky, to be honest," I said, thinking back to his obvious shock that I didn't know who he was.

Maddie had a mischievous expression on her face and sighed dreamily. "He is. Have you seen pictures of him in his boxers? Very cocky indeed."

I groaned. Of course her mind would instantly go to an inappropriate place. "That's not what I meant."

She chuckled. "I know, but it was perfect timing."

"You're too much."

"I wonder how many employees he's slept with," Maddie wondered out loud. She was the resident expert, apparently, on Jason Bennett. She read all the gossip magazines and celebrity news articles online, so she was much more knowledgeable than me. "He's gone on a lot of dates, but it never seems to go anywhere. Maybe you could get something out of this." She wiggled her eyebrows.

I fake-gagged. "Hell no. He's hot, but sleeping with your boss is weird."

She was grinning evilly. "You say that now, but things can change."

"Doubt it. I've literally spoken to him once, and I'm sure there's way prettier girls at the company that he'd much rather sleep with."

"Girl, are you kidding? You're gorgeous!"

I made a face in response. As usual, she was being a sweetheart, but my appearance was very average.

She pouted. "Fine. I'll drop it, but promise to keep me up to date about him?"

I nodded.

For the rest of lunch, we just talked about some other things that were going on in our lives. There was drama with her sister's new boyfriend, who was apparently flirting with other girls. That conversation filled up most of our time together.


After my lunch break with Maddie, I headed back to my desk. When I turned on my computer, I was surprised to see a new notification, which was from none other than the CEO, Jason Bennett.

The message from him said: hey, can you go grab my starbucks from downstairs?

I was really confused. Why did he send that message to me? It must have been a mistake, and he had messaged the wrong person by accident. After all, I wasn't his assistant.

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