Chapter 11

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Hey Guys! Just a heads up that some of these chapters will be dedicated to volleyballforlife55 as she has helped me with some ideas for the next few chapters!!

Enjoy! XD


Unknown POV

"Get the Alpha's children!" He informed us before going to towards the packs house.

We all knew that this was risky, that there may be no way of survival but what could we do? If we didn't do this then we wouldn't be able to see our families ever again. This was the only way or otherwise I would never see them again.

Sighing, I nodded towards the other wolves, looking over at the house. We saw the Alpha, Mason look at Blake with so much anger it sent shivers down my spine.

 "When Rose gives the signal we go into the house and get the triplets, no stalling, we are here to get in and out" Mike, the leader of this group stated.

When Rose's signal went off, we quickly made our ways towards the house, making sure not to get caught.

Getting into the house was easy seeing as most guards went out to the front or inside to protect the other wolves.

This was the tricky part. Guards were inside the house and once we enter all hell will be breaking loose. But none of us really cared, as long as we could protect our family we were willing to do anything. Especially kidnapping the Alpha's babies.

As soon as we opened the door, wolves attacked us, some howling in pain, others growling out. We fought like our lives depended on it, because in reality it did. Our lives and our families lives depended on it and I was determined not to let anyone hurt my family.

I sniffed the house, closing my eyes as I tried to pin point were the babies would be. Once I smelt the Alpha's sent mixed with 4 unfamiliar scents, I quickly gave them a signal to follow me before quickly making my way towards the Alpha's room.

All of a sudden 3 wolves appeared in front of us, three of our men changed into their wolves while I went inside the room. Sniffing the room out, I found 3 scents in a closet, making my way over to the closet I opened the door and three babies stared up at me, with fear. Two of them whimpering while one of them stared up at me glaring a bit.

Looking over my shoulder, I saw that the 3 men were knocked out, we quickly picked up the children, putting a cloth over their mouths so they would be easier to move. Soon enough they were out like a light.

We quickly ran out the house, running towards the forest. Their we made our way to the place that we were going to keep the children.


"Good job today guys" The Alpha of this pack smiled at all of us. We didn't say anything. We hated our Alpha with a passion but seeing as he was our Alpha their was no way we could go against him. He had turned mad seeing as his mate (our Luna) had died in a car crash that was caused by one of the Red Blood Moon Pack wolves. It was an accident but apparently the alpha had turned towards hatred and wanted to take revenge on all of Red Blood Moon Pack, and I'm guessing this is his way of revenge.

"We will get our revenge on Alpha Mason! He will pay for taking my mate! Our Luna!!" He shouted out to everyone, some yelled out yeah while others kept quiet and rolled their eyes. Most of us were over it. It had been an accident and the person who had done it had apologized to our Alpha only to be killed by him. Then our Alpha became caught up with revenge that he forgot about his people.

Shaking my head slightly, I walked over towards the door not wanting to hear the rest of this rubbish. Closing the door behind me, I made my way to the room that held the children.

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