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After 14.30
She drags me across town. A smile plastered on her face. Her hand in mine. I'm trying to ignore the little shock-waves that are sent up and down my spine when her fingers move across my skin. Even though she is almost skipping her demeanor is relaxed.

'Tada!' she yells. Her hand untangles from mine to be pointed toward the giant building in front of us. Her smile widening into a teeth-baring grin. Ear to ear, lit up eyes. It's cute.

It takes me a minute to take it all in. It's an older building. Beautiful carvings in the big brown wooden doors. Through the tiny windows I see lights burning as if it's almost nighttime. When we walk in it's like we have entered another realm. There are little corners for reading. A long table in the center of the room under an enormous glass chandelier and in the far end I can make out a small desk where the librarian is sitting. At the sides of the room are stairwells that lead to more books upstairs and it smells wonderfully nostalgic.

'Whoa.' I sigh.

'I know,' I glance over at her. She is looking up toward the second floor. Brown eyes sparkling under the dimmed light of the chandelier. 'Come on.' She takes my hand again and guides me toward the left staircase. Electricity buzzing through me as she pulls me forward.

She takes place in one of the corners upstairs. Hidden between shelves of books. In her hands two books she snagged when I wasn't looking. I sit down beside her and watch her turn pages, seemingly looking for something.

'This is the first book I've ever read.' She whispers. It's an old copy of Pride and Prejudice. A book I know all too well from the literature classes I took. I never would have read it otherwise but I won't tell her that.

'This place is amazing.' I look around the room. There may be two or three other people wandering around. It's quieter than any place I've ever visited.

'I discovered this when I was ten. My dad was here for business and in between his meetings he took me here. It was the start of a wonderful love affair.' She smiles.

'I can imagine. I think I might be in love too.' I know I'm not only talking about the library now. I'm seeing her, actually seeing her. The soft sadness hidden in between her smiles and the courage that blends it all together. There is a story in her bones no different than the books surrounding us.

'What?' she tugs a strand of hair behind her ear.

'Sorry,' I must have been staring. 'I'm just... I'm sorry I forgot you.'

'That's okay. I think many people have forgotten me. I don't blame you.'

'They're idiots... like me.'

'It's eating you up, isn't it?' she unexpectedly laughs. 'Maybe I'll tell you where we met.'

'O Lord, please do!'

'Tell me a secret first.' She shoots me a sneaky grin.

'My parents are getting a divorce.' I blurt out. She locks eyes with me for what feels like an eternity. Eyes searching for a specific emotion. I can tell because it's what I've been doing with her since she dropped that bomb about her mother an hour ago. God I wish I remembered her. I wish I had taken the time to get to know her when we met, whenever that was.

'Is it for the better?' she asks. A different reply than most. When I told my best friend Will he just said 'O mate, I'm so sorry' and that was nice but it also shut down the conversation I wanted to have. 'I'm sorry, is that a weird thing to ask?' She quickly adds.

'No! I mean... no. I like it. Obviously not the divorce but I like that you...' she places a gentle hand on mine, fogging up my thoughts. 'It's better I think.'

'Talk to me.' Her thumb softly stroking my skin.

'Mom had an affair. Not the kind that involves a library.' I give a sheepish grin.

'Oh, your poor dad.'

'Yeah. Dad was a mess when he found out. A mutual friend of theirs caught them. It was messy. A lot of things were said, understandably. I've never seen my dad that angry.'

'How are you holding up?'

'I... I think I'm okay with it. Before I moved out last year, things were rocky at best. Mom was always in a mood and dad was tiptoeing around her,' A smile finds my lips. 'Thanks.'

'Ah, what can I say. I'm easy to talk to,' She winks. 'When did you guys find out?'

'A month ago. Dad filed for divorce a week later...'


'I don't know. It's just sad. Two people who at some point in life chose to stay with each other. With all the best intentions. They start a family and in the end...'

'In the end they had a good run. They loved and lived. Some things aren't meant to be.'

'Have you ever experienced it? Love?'

'Love comes in many ways so yes and no. Not the kind you mean.' She doesn't seem to mind. Her demeanor is ever so relaxed still. Her thoughts have wandered and came back to me without the interference of sadness. Just as I thought before, she's not the kind of person who needs someone else to feel whole.

The clock downstairs starts to ring. The hour has passed. I turn my wrist to see my watch light up. Half past three. Time is moving simultaneously faster and slower all at once. I wonder where it ends and if there is a possibility that I can stretch it out. Could she be feeling the same?

'We should do something else.' I say after even the echo of the clock has faded.

'What do you have in mind?'

'How active are you on a day to day basis?' She lifts an eyebrow in response and shoots me a worried look. I can see her swallow.

'I feel like I should be worried now.'

'Nothing to worry about. There is just something I've been meaning to do for a while.' I get up and reach out my hand for her. There is a small dimple in between her brows. She takes my hand, looking a little confused. I want to reassure her but I have to admit that this worried look is quite amusing so I'll let her sweat it out a little bit longer. Don't worry Calli. I've got you.


I'm really excited to dive into the next chapter!! So I'm going to do that right after I've posted this one ;) The wait will be over SOON!

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